Subject: 🔵 Why the heck are you doing this?

If you are trying to build a business with the wrong intentions, even if it starts it will eventually crumble

Why are you trying to build a business online?

What's your end goal... The overall intention?

Before you answer, let me give you mine because it might help shed some light on why you might be struggling.

A couple of years ago, I almost left the industry to do something totally self serving.

I wasn't going to help anybody.

I wasn't going to contribute to growing anybody else's future.

I was just going to take care of me and my family with some new skills I had gained.

And although I was burned out and felt I needed the break, I took a moment to ask God about it.

Here is what He said:

"I called you free, so that you could love and serve others, and be more for others."

What I am actually paraphrasing there is Galatians 5:13 that says you were called free not to be self serving, but to love and serve others.

To help set them free as well.

This is the basis of Mission 5:13 (which you will continue to learn more about).

But as I thought on God's words, and what exactly to do next to "Live Free and Be More..."

Something occurred to me.

The times in my business career, and in my life where I was the most successful.

The times I had the most impact.

The times where I actually felt the best and had the most peace...

Were the times where I was fighting for and helping others become free.

When I would shut down and made my intentions about me... it actually became WAY harder to take care of me.

So, this is why I ask you...

Why are you doing this?

Listen, I get if you need to get yourself free first.

But, if your entire end goal is self serving, it's going to be a really tough road.

And not in alignment with why you ae actually here in the first place.

So, take a minute or two today and think about who you really want to help, and why you want to help them.

Make those people and that why the end goal.

In my experience, when you do it that way...

You will have more success.

You will have more impact.

You will have more joy.

You will have more peace.

And you will step into the real dreams and intentions that God placed into your heart from the very beginning.

Right now, I am working on some things that will serve way more people, and make it much easier for you to get free.

But, I want to be aligned with those who believe in the overall mission to help and serve others long term.

So I am only looking to align with you if you love what you've read in my book.

If you want to achieve your own freedom faster.

If you want to use that freedom to serve more, help more, give more, and be more for others.

1: Read The 30 Minute Workday Escape Plan Now

2: Then send me an email and let me know you'd love to be a part of getting free faster. (and easier)


Creator of The "Mission 5:13" Movement

Author of The 30 Minute Workday

Creator of The Freedom Launchpad

P.S.  You CAN Get Job Free, So you Can Live Free and Be More for the People God Has Called You to Serve!


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