Subject: 🔵 Why most are overtrained & Underpaid

I'm going to say something that may seem a little opposite to the "guru" chant in this industry that has old guys in suits screaming...

"Learners are earners!"

I think that's a tiny bit truth and a lot of bits of bull puckey.

Sure, you need to learn skills to be able to build a business.

But, you won't ever get paid because you learned something in a book, or on a video, or during a 3 day challenge.

You'll get paid from DOING what you learned as quickly as possible.

Then falling on your face as quickly as possible.

Then learning from that falling on your face as quickly as possible.

The most informative data stream on the planet is found in our doing and failing.

Sure, everything always works out perfectly in the video, or for the guru in the challenge.

But, it won't work that way for you.

And if you know that up front, you'll stop trying to be perfect before you take action.

If you know up front that you never actually have any real knowledge of something until you also have EXPERIENCE doing it...

You'll feel more free to jump in and make some mistakes right now.

Faster action.

Faster failing.

Faster true KNOWLEDGE.

Faster results.

Knowing that, here's my best advice on learning...

Don't learn anything that you aren't going to spend time DOING in the next 24 hours or less.

Immediately if possible.

The more time between learning and doing, the more two things are going to happen:

1. You're going to forget what you learned.

2. You're just going to procrastinate so long that it becomes one more thing you don't do.

To all you aspiring entrepreneurs out there spending valuable time on the weekend "learning" to build...

Spend 80 to 90% of your time DOING this weekend and see how much faster you get the skills you want.

The skills that will allow you to start seeing actual results faster.

So you can analyze those results.

Make changes.

Get better.

And see a profitable business much faster.

While the "Learners" are still flipping pages and forgetting what was on the last page...

Your DOING will have make you the real earner.

Happy Saturday, Friend!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

P.S. The more you can automate your business, the less you have to know how to do.

Here's how a bunch of us are spending an hour or less a day "DOING" and turning that into a fun and PROFlTABLE business quickly.

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