Subject: 🔵 Why P + P + P = M0NEY for you & me

Did ya like that subject, Friend?

Bet you didn't realize I've got me some rhymin' skills. 🤣

Maybe my rhyme wasn't as cool as this one...

But P + P + P = M0NEY can give you all of the time, weaIth, and lifestyle freedom you need to find and train as many raccoons as you want to play bassoons.

(if that's what you choose to do with your life).

Anyway... let's get to it!

When I got started in the affiIiate game, I thought it was all about the business, products, services, tools, opportunity, etc. that I was referring people to.

Find a good product, for example... and I was golden.

After getting burned by multiple companies going under, and having company owners behavior and decisions ruin my credibility multiple times...

I had to re-evaluate what was truly responsible for LONG TERM success in the affiIiate model.

That's when I came up with the 3 P's for evaluating companies that I wanted to lend my skills and time to.

And following the 3 P's, I have never been burned once and have instead been able to build a following of raving fans who love me...

And create residuaI lncome that comes to me every month.

Sometimes from customers who have been buying every month for as many as 10 years!

So yeah... it works.

The 3 P's that I evaluate now are....

1. People

To put it simply, are the people behind the company people that I would want to "do life" with?

I always say that your customers and partners should be people that you'd love to be stranded on an island with.

That you'd love to have dinner with.

That you'd feel good about having around your family.

The same goes for company owners.

If I am going to be building their company and putting my name and credibility on it, who the owners are as people matters.

2. Principles

What are the principles and values that the company honors?

It's similar to #1, but for me...

It goes a little bit deeper into the beliefs and structure of a company.

For example, I've been in companies (before the 3P's existed) where the owner(s) were good people who appeared to have good hearts.

But, the priniciples by which they ran the company didn't match mine.

Right now I am helping to build this company that as one of their principles puts people over profits.

This means that they don't take advantage of people with bogus upsells just meant to fill waIIets instead of increasing value.

They create a culture of giving over greed.

And they give so much more than they ask for, that people aren't just customers...

They are raving fans who sincerely LOVE to be a part of the company, products, and training.

Why is this beneficial?

Because it creates LONG TERM fans for me that stay active for YEARS at a time.

It creates a business that I can feel good about AND that is profitabIe long term.

It's a win/win.

To contrast that, I've been in companies where profits were held in such high regard that they created new (unnecessary) products people had to buy strictly to increase commissions.

And the culture was so greed-centric that people who didn't buy everything were even called "wussies" and openly shamed!

Needless to say, people still avoid me for having recommended that platform.

Maybe you are even still afraid of my recommendations because of that one.

My sincerest apologies if that's the case.

Bottom line... principles matter all the time.

Especially when you're looking to create long term customer relationships which is a must to build residuaI Income.

3. Pursuits

What is the company that I am looking to align with pursuing outside of the company itself?

More simply, what are they giving to and pouring into as the company grows?

What charities, missions, causes are being supported?

Outside of the benefits of the products, what value are they pouring back into the world and making it better?

The bible says in it's book of wisdom principles (Proverbs), that...

"The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped."

And as a person who believes that we are called to be free so we can help, serve, and benefit others...

This holds incredibly true to my heart.

I've heard it said in multiple places and by multiple people that...

"Accumulation is meant for distribution."

Yes, we are meant to have personally abundant lives.

Yes, we are meant to build great businesses.

But, at the end of the day...

I don't believe that we are meant to be like Scrooge McDuck swimming around in our personal sea of coins and weaIth.

After a certain point, distribution of those accumulations out into a needing world is what creates a better future.

So, for me, what a company is pursuing outside of itself is of massive significance.

To give an example, a community that I am helping to build has built into every saIe made a contribution to feed starving chiIdren.

The result is that just by building an amazing company that we love...

We have also provided nearly 2OO,OOO DAYS worth of meaIs to chiIdren all over the world.

And to take it a step further, any time this company does a live event...

ALL proceeds are donated to this same organization.

It's so important to me to know that as I help this company grow, the world and the future is changed for the better.

This good will has another benefit of course too.

Like the other 2 P's...

It creates customers and partners that want to stay for years and years.

Benefiting you.

Benefiting them.

And every month they stay benefiting more chiIdren all over the world.

It's a win/win/win all across the board.

So that's how I evaluate companies, products, services, tools, etc. now a days.

It's been hugely beneficial to my long term success.

Since I've implemented it, I have never been burned by a company or owner.

I have built a customer and partner base that are more like raving fans who love me... than they are just customers.

Of course, I love them to because they are my people (see #1).

And, I have been able to create a steady, safe, long term residuaI Income for myself that also benefits the world.

If you think it will help you create a better, safer, more longer term Income that you feel good about...

Feel free to use any or all of it.

If you do use it, I'd love to hear how it helps you.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

P.S. This is the company I referred to multiple times in the email that checked all 3 P's for me.

Even if just for reseach into what makes a good long term solution to you, it might be beneficial just to investigate it.

You can get inside of the community for 2 full weeks 1OO% free here if you want to spy on us.

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