Subject: 🔵 Why?

My daughter came home yesterday fully frustrated.

I could see the pain not just in her face, but all over her body.

Her muscles were tense.

Her brow furrowed.

She couldn't sit or stand still.

She was what you might call, "beside herself."

As a person who has been where she is right now, I could almost feel her every emotion.

The tension seemed thick and tangible.

I wanted to just grab it out of the air and remove it from her space, but I couldn't.

As a dad, that's a kick to the "bojangles" for sure.

(That's the nice word we use around here for a man's, well... man parts!)

She's typically not one to cry very easily, but I could see her eyes filling up.

All she could get out is...

You've gotta show me how to do what you do here.

She's recently graduated and taking some time to figure things out right now.

So, she's been doin' the 9-5 thing.

And already, she knows spending her life doing work that isn't meaningful to her...

Waking up to the same wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat existence...

Is NOT the life that God has for her.

To this point, I haven't pushed my kids to "do what I do."

I've only made it known by words and actions that you can dream up the life that you want, and then go and create it.

Because honestly, just like I can't force you if you're not ready... I can't force them either.

To "do what I do" and create your own life instead of building the dreams of somebody else, takes work.

It takes guts.

It takes passion and energy.

And if you don't have some force behind it all...

Like my daughter knowing she's meant for more and wants more than a lifetime of meaningless work...

You won't make it.

Because even though the steps we entrepreneurs take on a daily basis are simple, it's not easy.

It's hard to show up every day and create something out of nothing.

It's hard to put in the work when you're tired.

It's hard knowing that if you don't, you'll be broke.

When you're creating your own dreams, you can't just show up for a certain number of hours per day and get a check on Friday.

So, I am thrilled to help her.

Because what she is feeling I have felt.

The boredom.

The lack of purpose.

The absence of any freedom or control.

The looking to the future and wondering, "is this really all there is?"

For nearly two decades I have made it my mission to first give myself the ability to design and build my own dream life.

And then show others like you how I did it here...

So you can step into your own God breathed life, and out of the painful existence most find themselves grinding through.

And all of this brings me to the question of WHY that I asked in the subject of this email.

Why do I do this?

Because just like I can see, and feel, and understand my daughter's pain...

I see, and feel, and know your pain too.

I have been there.

It's brutal and soul crushing.

And I know that God has called you to do more, be more, have more, and give more.

I know that when you decide to take a new path and create your own life, the rewards of the hard work and commitment, and passion, and energy...

Are so exponentially worth it.

To wake up every day with the ability to do whatever God has for you that day is the greatest thing I've ever felt outside of watching and being a part of my children being born.

Having the freedo to spend your days doing what you love.

With the people that you love.

Serving the communities, causes, and people that God has called you to...

That is the "life abundantly" that Jesus spoke of.

And I want YOU to have it too.

This is why I am going to contact you like crazy for the next 30 hours or so while the chance to work with me and my 7FlG team is still 1OO% free.

Not because you may turn into a long term customer.

At this point of my journey, the lncome I get from that isn't going to make or break my life.

I'm trying my hardest to reach you, for YOU!

Because you 1OO% need this if you're serious about stepping out of the wake, work, eat, sleep grind and into the life God has for you.

You need the tools.

You need the step by step training.

You need the personal mentoring.

You need the community.

And you can have it all here 1OO% free for 14 full days.

Maybe you decide you love it here and you'll stay.

I would be just as thrilled to help you as I am my own daughter.

But even if you don't, you NEED every single thing that we offer to step into your dreams.

So whether you end up getting it here or not isn't important.

It's that you get it someplace.

And why not get it here for at least 14 days on us?

Let us PROVE to you that we can help you before you ever think about giving us a dime.

We promise to pour our hearts, and knowledge, and time, and commitment into you for the next 14 days while you decide.

All we ask is that you pour in a real effort to test us out.

If that sounds like a pretty sweet deal to you, I'd like to welcome you to your new amazing life here.

I'll be waiting...

And an entire community of heart centered, helpful people will be waiting on the other side with open arms to greet you.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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