Subject: 🔵 What's the ONE thing you need most?

What's the one thing holding you back from creating the life of freedom that you want?

What's the ONE Thing You Need Help With The Most in Your Journey to Create a Freedom Business Online?

I know that you are super busy, so this will take you less than a minute.

I'm really focused on working WITH a small number of people this year to get you results.

With that in mind, and so I can help you and this small group most effectively...

What's the ONE thing you feel like most holds you back in your journey to creating a Freedom Business online?

One that gives you not just an abundance of 💲, but also the time and freedom to use that abundance in any way that YOU choose?

I'd love to hear how I can best help you, so you can step into the freedom you want more quickly and with less struggle.

If you could take just a second to reply to this email and let me know, it would be a huge help for me, and all of those that I am trying to serve.

I understand if you're too busy, and I appreciate your time today either way.

If you'd prefer to chat with me directly and let me know, you can chat instantly with me here.


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S. I'd also love your thoughts on my new Freedom Manifesto Below.

Thanks again!


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