Subject: 🔵 What's inside matters Friend

Happy Thursday Friend...

Quick message to help you get anything you want more quickly.

Everything you put inside yourself matters for the better, or for the worse.

As you immerse yourself into building a successful business, becoming a better marketer, strengthening your mind and self....

It all compounds over time.

It builds on itself.

You get to the point where doing the right things, and saying the right things is a subconscious thing.

You don't have to think about the right words, or copy, or actions, they are just a part of you.

For you athletes...

It's like when you're in a zone.

Everything just flows naturally and without thought.

The opposite will happen if you stay, or don't avoid the negative things taking you away from success.

Things like the news, or bad self talk, or thoughts that don't get you closer to where you want to be.

The hack...

Immerse yourself into podcasts, videos, books, trainings, conversations, etc. that get you closer to the outcomes you want.

And continually ask yourself...

Is this action, is this thought, is the self or outward talk getting me closer to the outcome I want...

Or further away?

If it's further away, stop it immediately and do something that will take you closer.

Break the bad habits by as quickly as possible replacing them in that moment with the good habits.

Hope that helps you today, Friend.

Nick Bramble

P.S. If you feel like you are called to be more, do more, have more, and give more...

We might make great partners.

Take a look here and see.

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