Subject: 🔵 What the heck is your problem, dude?

I got a pretty big chuckle when I got this email from Craig about his self confessed shiny object syndrome

I got a pretty good chuckle out of this email I got yesterday from one of my partners Craig about his self confessed...

Shiny Object Syndrome

And while I am SUPER excited for him to be fully committing to our All in One Partnership...

The truth is...

We ALL get the syndrome at some point.

In fact, I believe that one of the hardest parts about creating a freedom business...

Is having the ability to say yes to only ONE thing.

It actually held me back for YEARS!

I would bounce around from business to business.

Traffic source to traffic source.

Strategy to strategy.

And at the end of the day, all I had was debt.

And even more devastating...

I had a list that hated me!


Because as I was bouncing around killing my own success...

I was bouncing my list around too!

Taking them on the ride with me.

My lack of focus was not just hurting me...

It was hurting the people and the families I was trying to help.

It wasn't until I had that same realization that Craig had, and asked myself...

"What The Heck is Your Problem, Dude?"

And I committed to one offer.

One traffic source.

One simple 3 step daily process.

And said yes to only ONE thing...

It's only then that I finally hit the jackpot.

The first year I did that, I created over $101k online, and have been free for over 17 years since!

And you know what's cool...

That simple process that I started over 17 years ago...

Has never changed.

What's even more cool...

Is that Craig realized yesterday that...

"All you need is right here!"

And now, when he stays the path...

He'll finally have that freedom too.

The same freedom that you might be looking for right now.

If you want to stop bouncing around.

If you want to stop making your list hate you (and hurting them).

If you want to have a simple, single thing to focus on daily that works.

You may be thinking to yourself...

"Maybe Nick and Craig are right and this really DOES have everything you need."

Enjoy your Sunday, but get away and relax for a few minutes and take a quick peak at what we do here.

And even if it's not the ONE thing you decide to commit to, so you can finally create your freedom...

You'll have one less thing you're saying yes too, and be closer to your own ONE thing.

And in that is the start to your great freedom.

Have an amazing Sunday, Friend!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


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