Subject: 🔵 What happened this week changed me (forever)

I got an opportunity to serve this week in a way that changed the way I look at you, my business, and so much more

I have been a little quiet this week, but my week hasn't been quiet for sure.

In fact, it's been one of the most energizing, enlightening, transforming, and impactful weeks I've had in my business ever.

And I have been at this for over 17 years, seen a ton of ups and downs and all arounds...

So, I don't say that lightly.

So what happened?

I was given the privilege of hosting our daily masterminds this week where we help people get more traffic, leads, and sales for their business.

Any business.

We actually do our own marketing as we let people look over our shoulder.

The co-founders of our company (who usually host) were taking a much needed vacation to Maui...

And because they do so much for our community on a daily basis, it was an easy "YES" when they asked if I could help host (with my amazing co-host Amy).

Now, I am on these masterminds every day as there are so many gold nuggets dropped daily that help me build my business.

Yes, they are THAT good, that even a 17 year vet like me gets massive value.

So, it wasn't a stretch for me to be there, but it did stretch my reality in a way that I didn't expect.

There is so much goodness to share with you from this week (and it's coming soon!)...

But to keep this short, I'll share just 3 of the wins that came out.

First, preparing to be my best for the community on a daily basis made me dig into my own marketing at a deeper level than I have been.

I actually worked harder to produce in my business, so I could deliver as much value as I could to all the amazing Freedom Crusaders that showed up every day.

What does that mean for YOU?

I got BETTER at my craft by putting myself in a position to serve others at a higher level.

Win/Win #1.

Next, I interacted more personally with the community than usual.

I took their live questions, and gave them insights from my experience that they could use to shortcut their success.

Which means they get results faster in their business...

But, I also gained massively important insight into what the people I am serving need, and can now serve them (YOU) at a much higher level.

And coming out of it, I have so much more to share with you that I KNOW 100% will help you shortcut your path to a freedom business.

Win/Win #2

Finally, and this one is the doozy that I didn't see coming...

I was re-energized to serve YOU more in a way that had me so lit up every day that I couldn't sleep at night!


I've had such a tiny amount of sleep this week and am running on pure energy right now.

The only thing I can compare it to in my own life is sports.

When the crowd is supporting you...

Yelling, and screaming and pouring their energy into you...

And you get to soak it in and use it as your own.

Even if you're exhausted, this fuel from the crowd lifts you as if you had limitless energy.

You want to win for THEM as much as you want to win for yourself.

Truly, it was just the "boost' I needed to re-focus myself on serving you at a higher and higher level.

As an entrepreneur, you go through phases of energy and production.

And I feel like I've been in one of those low phases for a few.

But now...

I am on FIRE to help you and serve you and give to you at a level that EXCEEDS anything that I have ever done.

That means you will be getting a version of me that nobody has ever seen.

That means that my value given to you will be the best ever.

That means, that because my mind is focused and full of life...

I am getting better at my craft...

I will see even better, faster ways to get YOU to the results you want then ever before.

That is Win/Win #3.

I am beyond excited, Friend.

I am so grateful that I had this opportunity to serve this week.

So, I could serve you at the highest level I have ever served anybody in my entire life.

Get ready.

I already have some amazing freedom shortcuts lined up for you.

This is going to be an epic time for both of us!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  If you want to get a sneak peek behind the curtain, and get access to our daily masterminds now...

So you can accelerate your freedom even more...

You can actually get free access to our daily masterminds as a bonus here.

Either way...

Stay tuned.

Because I am going to be dropping some shortcuts on you soon that will allow you to leap over most of the struggle and pain and expense of building a business...

And land right into freedom.

So exciting!


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