Subject: 🔵 What f.reedom looks like

It might surprise you to know what s.uccess and f.reedom means to me. Maybe not.

This "F.reedom Looks Like" Message Brought to you by... The Legacy Builder Program.

This short story, reveals what F.reedom looks like to me.

Can you relate?

Monday was awesome.

One of my top memories going forward, I am sure.

It started with a last minute request from my son to drive 3 hours to be inside the "centerline" or "total eclipse" zone.

Less than an hour later, we were in the car.

Truthfully, if all that happened was that 3 hour car ride, it would have been one of the best days ever.

My son turns 19 this year.

So, the chances to spend 3 hours with just me and him are decreasing, not increasing.

As a father, it always weighs heavy on me knowing that my children are closer to moving out, than they are hanging out.

Which is why the 3 hours of conversations on everything from God to science...

To music and movies...

To planning future trips, and everything in between...

Was awesome.

Every word.

Every moment, cherished and appreciated.

Even the moments stuck in bumper to bumper traffic was awesome.

More time is what I focused on.

In fact, traffic was so bad, we didn't get to our original destination in time.

But still found ourselves in the centerline of the eclipse path.

We ended up at a rest stop unusually full and vibrant with energy and excitement.

The eclipse had already started.

Watching the moon make it's way across the sun with our silly glasses on...

I couldn't help but feel like we had gone back 10 years in time.

My son and I giddy and excited to experience a "Full Eclipse" moment for the first time together.

And as the moon came fully in line with the sun, the only word that can describe it is...


"Take your glasses off," my son reminded me.

As I did I saw the brilliant glowing "ring" around the moon.

Literally looked like a diamond ring hanging up in the sky.

We had also gone from a bright sunny day, to night in an instant.

It was so, so incredible.

In total, the "Diamond in the sky" moment was less than 4 minutes.

In my mind and heart though, it will live forever.

And even though our drive together ended up being more than an 8 hour trip, full of bumper traffic and 5 mile an hour speeds on the highway.

It was totally worth it.

My son slept pretty much the entire way home.

Typical for him since he was just a baby.

Always sleeping in the car.

And it just felt good to be driving with him.

Sleeping or not.

Because it's just time.

Time close to my son.

Who will soon be off living his own life.

That time together is getting shorter.

Less frequent.

So, those 8 hours will live with me forever.

I'll hold them.

Cherish them.

Smile at them every time I bring them up in my mind.

To me, that's life.

That's f.reedom.

But, that moment would have never happened if I wasn't f.ree to say "Yes" to a very last minute request.

If I wasn't in full control of my schedule and my time...

A job, or a boss, or some meaningless obligation would have erased that moment from history.

Kept it from ever happening.

But, because I made the decision to build an lncome in a way that allows me to live the life I want...

Moments like these over the last 20 years are abundant.

From the outside, maybe it doesn't seem like much.

But, if you're a parent...

You know this means everything.

Parent or not...

If you've ever missed out on something brilliant because of job, or boss, or lack... you'll get it to.

F.reedom can mean a miIIion different things.

But on Monday...

That's what it meant to me.

And I am so glad I gave myself the ability to experience it.

If you're not having the moments you want in life, and it's due to the lack of f.reedom and abundance in your life.

Change it now.

Stop waiting.

The moments are getting shorter.

The moments are getting less frequent.

And at the end of the journey, you're going to wish you had done it all differently.

Maybe today is the day to do it differently.

Here's one way I am increasing the time that I can have those moments.

If that's not for you, let me know...

Because it's not the only way I am doing this.

I want to help you get f.ree too.

It's crazy to think I am working less, and making more.

But, crazy or not, it's possible for you too.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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