Subject: 🔵 What are you into?

Happy Monday Friend!

I've gotta be honest...

Mondays used to be pretty torturous to me.

Knowing I had an entire week wasting away in a place I didn't want to be.

Didn't feel connected to.

And barely made enough to cover the bills every month.

Was tough.

Nearly 20 years now escaped from the J.0.B...

It's my mission to help people like you step into what's really calling you.

For me, the best way to start planning the escape is being an affiIiate for products, tools, services, businesses, etc. that you have a true passion around.

Even if someday you want to build your own products, or services, or coaching, or whatever...

Being an affiIiate first allows you to gain the skills necessary to grow without having to deal with all of the hard, techy, time consuming and expensive stuff.

I am re-doing all of my affilIiate training right now to better serve you.

And, I'm going to give it to you f.ree, but I wanted to take a second to ask you...

What is it That You Want to Build an AffiIiate Business Around?

For me...

I absolutely love health and using food and supplements as medicine instead of relying on the "sick-care" model that we're using.

I also love personal development and making sure that myself and others have the right frame for creating success both in their resources and their personal life.

And obviously, I love making sure people have the skillsets to build whatever they want to build.

So, I recommend products, tools, and services centered around those things.

What are Those Things For You?

If you could spend your day serving a specific crowd, and a certain type of product or products...

What would that be?

I'd love to know the different areas people are looking to build in as I finish up my new course and training for you.

Thanks for the input and hope you have an amazing Monday!

Nick Bramble

P.S.  If you want to build around health, personal development, or helping others build affiIiate businesses...

Let me know.

I'm always looking to partner with amazing people like you.

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