Subject: 🔵 Well that bombed

Everything in marketing is a test, and this one didn't go well at all. See why this may do better

Earlier today I sent out a video about why I got up at 1am to look at the stars and have a 2 hour talk with my son.

And I put the emotional video link here that you could check out if you wanted.

And the email totally bombed!

Meaning it hit the wrong folders and didn't get good open rates.

Which is a shame because this video gave you a sneak peek into my life...

Showed you what makes me emotional.

And, allowed you to hear about the one thing my daughter made me draw when she was a tiny baby...

That has kept me free to do whatever I decide for over 17 years.

I won't tell you what I drew, but you could actually draw it today, even if you only have the skills to draw a straight line.

And it could be the catapult to your own life of freedom.

Anyway, here's the video again if you want to take a quick watch.

As I said in my last email, whether you watch or not, thanks for taking a second to open this email (and maybe the first) today.

I appreciate you, and everything I send is with the intention to help you see the future you desire... and then go out and create it!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  It could have also had a bad open rate because yesterday's email was a bit tougher on you than I usually am.

If so, I apologize.

I am just so super passionate about helping you get free that my emotions get the best of me sometimes.

I am not just "building a business."

I feel with every piece of my being that I am called by God to help good people like you to get free, so you can build futures or freedom and impact and purpose...

And be the light to the world that you are born to be.


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