Subject: 🔵 Welcome to the Revolution

The Revolution is Spreading Quickly!

We have exploded to over 600 members in just a few weeks...

And, we are adding multiple new members PER HOUR right now to the team.

It's all so exciting to watch.

And here's the thing...

By industry standard, we aren't a team full of internet marketing, or network marketing "superstars."

Just a bunch of really awesome people fired up about changing the industry so the "little guy" can win.

Just a bunch of people with hearts on fire to help people get healthier and weaIthier in a way, and with a model that nearly everyone on the planet can afford.

The mission...

Taking down the industry giants.

The lamborghini driving leaders who don't earn their spots in companies, but are paid in.

It's fighting against traditional network marketing owners who are content to rip off their members by 10x'ing costs and forcing autoships that nobody can afford long term.

Just so those 1% that they paid to be there can make all of the money.

Are you ready to FIGHT back.

Fight for your why.

Fight to take down the greedy giants that keep lining the pockets of the same 1% (that they paid to be there in the first place).

Fight back against a corrupt food industry content to keep force feeding us processed foods, inflammatory oils, and deadly sugar and taking care of profits over people.

Fight back against a system content to keep people locked in cages all day long fighting for a paycheck that doesn't even cover the cost of living.

This is a fight.

Please know that.

Either you put the gloves on and fight back, or you and those you love are going to get knocked out by lack, disease, and corruption.

The Revolution is not about cute logos, or marketing tactics.

This is a revolution.

And revolutions fight to drastically change systems.

First you get yourself right.

Then you fight for your freedom... get job free while helping others get free.

Then, you can step into a fully Called Free life of health, abundance...

And the FREEDOM to pursue the dreams that God put into your heart to serve the people, communities, and causes you were born to serve.

If you're ready to take your health back.

To control your own ability to create weaIth.

And escape the job life that's leaving you unfulfilled, or broke, or feeling like you're just existing in life...

The Revolution is underway here.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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