Subject: 🔵 Welcome to Nexus, Friend

Your super important Nexus setup details are inside of this - open up

Welcome to Nexus, Friend!

I am super excited to have you on the team.

Here is how to make sure you get started quickly and start getting csh back even before you sign up a single team member or customer.

1. Log into your Nexus back office.

You should have a welcome email with those details.

2. Click on "Your Apps" and make sure to set up the f.ree apps as quickly as possible.

You can get up to 34 bucks back right away when you do!

Do this BEFORE you start sharing your link in the next steps.

3. Click on "Your Tools"

In this section you will find your links to invite people, training, the facebook group and more.

I'd recommend watching the 3 steps to getting started training right away on this page.

Then, make sure to get connected to the FaceBook group.

It's also a good idea to watch the latest Overview Zoom recording found in this section...

So you have a full understanding of the incredible savings and lncome machine you have access to.

4. Edit Your Profile and be sure to add your tax info there as well.

5. Go through the FAQ's so you can know the answers to any questions ahead of time.

6. Start Sharing Your Link

You'll find all of your links in the "Your Tools" section.

I've personally been using the "Snap" one, and it seems to work really well.

If you need some traffic resources, here's what I personally use.

Right now, there is a really great promo going on.

If you sign up 5 members in January, you qualify for 100% Matrix Matching COMMlSSlONS all the way until June!

No matter what your rank.

You can see details on that on your home page of your Nexus back office.

See the GoPro Promo.

I'm super excited to have you here and much more to come to help you build.

Let's Grow Freedom Builders!

Nick Bramble

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