Subject: 🔵 Welcome to IIS Friend - B.onuses inside

IIS is the best b.usiness model ever for affiIiates. Here's how to win

Welcome to IIS Friend.

Maybe you have been here for a while, and maybe you just got access.

But, either way, I wanted you to know the huge events that are happening (and expiring) right now.

First, if you just came here for the incredible f.ree training and weekly mentoring...

Dig in and enjoy.

You can become an absolute super affiIiate with the f.ree stuff you've got access to.

Log in.

Click on "F.ree Course" and learn away.

But make sure that you act on what you learn.

So, choose the course that has what you want to know.

Consume it.

Then do it.

Then consume is again to get better.

And do it over and over until you have mastery.

The lncome is always in the doing.


These courses are the action steps that have produced 10 FlG super affiIiates, so don't let them go to waste.

For those of you who want to create an incredible lncome giving away these f.ree courses and training, look at the image below...

Right now is a special time in IIS, and you have a very small time window to maximize your lncome, while spending way less.

This IIS lncome plan is truly revolutionary.

Never been done.

And is like a gift from the Heavens because of all it unlocks for you.

While it's totally true that you can get 30pct commlsslons with your f.ree account...

When you watch the video, you will see how to unlock the affiIiate's dream when it comes to the ability to leverage the efforts of unlimited people.

Plus, get WAY more on your own efforts.If you planned on generating lncome with IIS anyway...

Now, would be the time to lock in.

It saves you m0ney.

Makes you way more lncome for less.

And unlocks some special incentives that you'll never see again.

If you want to know more...

1. Log into IIS

2. Click on "Live Streams"

3. Watch the August 8th SuperZoom.

All of it.

There is some amazing stuff in there.

4. Grab the Founder's package if you want.

I want to restate that if you just want to f.ree training...

Or, you're just wanting to get 30pct for giving away f.ree accounts when we fully launch on September 5th...

That's totally cool.

There is never any pressure here to pay for anything.

The goal is to get you the skills to be a super affiIiate and even generate lncome like one for f.ree if you want.

The Founder's package just allows you to speed up your time to do both of those if you prefer to go fast over slow.

Oh, and one more thing...

I have a special unannounced b.onus for you just for being here.

Here is access to my private community.

Inside, I reveal all of my hidden resources, give away all of the stuff that has made me a 7-FlG affiIiate.

Plus, allows you to hang out with an entire community of F.reedom Builders just like you.

I'm super excited to welcome you once I see you create your totally f.ree account.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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