Subject: 🔵 Welcome back Friend

That first day back to work after a few days off can be brutal, right?

If you're already having that "Is this really how the rest of my life goes" feeling and you want to start planning your escape...

The escape that leads to a never ending long weekend, and a life you love...

I wrote a free book that will help you do just that.

It's called The 30Minute Workday Escape Plan

It's the exact, step by step process I have used to life a life of fun, adventure, and freedom for nearly 18 years now.

And how you can do it too in as little as 30 minutes per day.

I left a free copy for you here if you want it.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


P.S. Want to connect?

Texting me at the number you see above is my absolute favorite way to connect.

After that, my next favorite is Telegram because I don't have to get stuck in the social noise, and we can just instantly connect without distractions.

But, if it's easier for you to connect on social, you can catch me in any of these places.

I'm actually posting fun and helpful stuff all the time if you want to check it out.


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