Subject: 🔵 Weird things God actually said: "Jobs Suck"

I woke up stressed.

Like really... how can I be stressed when I've only been up for 15 seconds?

But I was.

Plus, I was anxious.


Feeling hopeless.

"This can't be my life" is what played like a broken record morning after morning in my head.

And that was only the first minute of my day!

Pretty much EVERY morning started that way when I was still working the J.O.B.

For a long time, I thought I was just lazy or something, because every J.O.B I ever had made me feel the same.

Different work.

Same dread.

Now... I know the truth.

I know that I felt that way because I wasn't working where God wanted me to be.

I wasn't lazy.

I'm still not.

In fact... now, I LOVE to work.

But, what blows me away is that God told us thousands of years ago that as long as we settled for just having a "Job...."

Just a place where we mindlessly showed up to to work each day so we can get a paycheck...

That job would suck.

No joke.

I found where He said it.

This week, I started a deep dive study on Solomon.


Because he's regarded as the wisest, and also the weaIthiest man to EVER live.

So, seems like a good guy to study, right?

And here's part of the Wisdom God opened up to Solomon:

When your work is a job, and it's not in line with what God has for you, even Solomon said...

"For what does a person get with all of his work and efforts that he labors at under the sun?

For all his days are filled with grief, and his occupation is sorrowful; even at night, his mind does not rest."

(Ecclesiastes 2:22-23)

WOW! This really blew me away.

Because this is EXACTLY how I felt when I had the job.

Even at night when I wasn't there, my mind didn't rest!

But what does Solomon say when your work is for God?

"There is nothing better for a person than to eat, drink, and enjoy his work. I have seen that even this is from God's hand.

(Ecclesiastes 2:24)

And this hit home too.

Because now that I can wake up and "work" on my own time, and in my own desires, and contribute to the things I want to contribute to...

Work is AWESOME!

I feel like I never work actually.

It really does seem like there is nothing better than waking up and doing what you love with each day.

What God revealed to Solomon, and what Solomon shares with us is that...

Work can either be soul crushing, keeping you from your purpose and stealing your life.

Or, when done for God, and working inside of the gifts that He gave you...

Work is meant to GIVE you life.

This is why The Kingdom WeaIth Project that I am embarking on is meant to help you pursue the things that give you life.

So you can give life to others.

This is why it's our vision to get people like you free from the jobs that are holding you back.

Free to do what you feel God put into your heart.

So you can work less on the things that steal your energy and purpose...

And you can put more time into what God has for you.

The goal is to live more FOR God both in the way you enjoy the abundance that was meant for you...

And in the giving of your weaIth (M0ney + Time + Freed0m) to others.

I wake up SO excited about this project every day.

And I sleep well at night too!

Knowing that the day I gave was to God, and to serving the people that He put in front of me.

It's so much fun!

Full of purpose.








This incredible project will be a legacy I leave to my family for sure.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S.  When you have the ability to follow the desires God puts into your heart, He gives you all sorts of fun things to do.

Recently, I discovered that I had a desire for baking sweet and healthy treats.

Because I absolutely love sweets, but am more committed to my long term health...

So I needed to find a way to enjoy tasty treats and sweets more often, without making poor health choices.

Today... I made vegan Chickpea Peanut Butter Cookie Squares (see below).

They are SO good!

If you asked me 4 years ago if I would ever even think of trying something like that, I'd say...


But I told you, when you are living in your gifts and desires, life is adventurous and you never know what new desires you're going to find.

But, no matter what desires you discover...

When you get out of the J.O.B cycle and into the G.O.D. life...

You'll always have the time and resources to explore the desires of your heart.

Take a look at these sweet chunks of deliciousness before I eat them all up!

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