Subject: 🔵 Wealth defined - And how to get it

Lots of people talk about "Making Money," but anybody can get a job and do that.

As I am building my Home Based Business, there is always a lot of concern about "Making Money."

And almost no talk about creating wealth.

Truth is, they are two TOTALLY separate things.

And those who are chasing only money, almost NEVER make much of it.

Because it's too shallow of a goal, and it's too easy to do in other ways (giving you a lot of crappy plan B's to keep falling back into)

Anybody can make money.

It's simple.

Just get a job.

But, money isn't what you want, is it?

When you close your eyes and dream, do you dream about swimming around in piles of money like Scrooge McDuck?

Or, does it go something more like this...

You imagine being able to have unlimited money coming into your life...

That comes from doing something you enjoy, and that gives you a sense of worth and contribution.

That comes in whether you're working or not.

So you have as much money as you need...

PLUS... the TIME and FREEDOM to do what you love the most.

With the people you love the most.

PLUS... the ability to serve and contribute to the people, communities, and causes that most excite you.

You're really wanting more than money, aren't you?

It took me a while to figure it out, but me too.

What we really want is...


And Wealth = Time + Money + Freedom all together.

You can never have it working a job.

Because it's just a constant exchange of a lot of time and no freedom.

Very few business models allow you to have all 3 at the same time.

Definitely NOT the "guru" model where you have to create and learn everything to even get started.

Investments can do it if you have a ton of capital.

But that's typically what you do AFTER you create wealth in order to preserve it for generations.

Side Note:  I can show you that too once you have wealth.

In fact, this is the only business model I have ever seen that really allows you to step into wealth quickly.

With very little up from capital (almost none).

Very limited time (maybe an hour or so per day).

And can produce "sleep" money meaning you can have it coming in while you're working, playing, or sleeping.

Anyway... you have limitless choices when it comes to making money.

But, only a select few when it comes to wealth.

Just wanted to give you something to think about.

I've been blessed to have real wealth for the last 17+ years because of the business model I chose.

You're totally welcome to take a look here if you're wondering if it might be the model for you too.

No worries if it's not for you.

But, it definitely has all the potential to give you what you really want when you find yourself dreaming.

Thanks for reading, Friend.

I hope you have a beautiful night.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


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