Subject: 🔵 Want to know my dirty love secret Friend?

My email about Grandma's funeral caused quite a stir yesterday. But it also has my Spirit stirring about...

My email about Grandma's funeral yesterday caused some MAJOR reactions in my email replies, social media, and text responses.

I didn't really expect that.

It's my most responded to content of 2022 so far.

But, as much attention as it gained...

I think the thoughts I had that came out of it (listed below), are going to revolutionize and change for the better an entire industry.

As I have been thinking more and more about love and it's place in everything...

I got to thinking deeply of why people tend to have bad imagery around, or even hate "Sales and Marketing."

It caused me to reach out to my amazing friend Paul for insight, because he is co-owner of the most loving and serving home business Community that I know.

I told him that I was wondering if "marketing and sales" is really even necessary at all.

After connecting with a heart I fully trust, and the more I personally think about it, Friend...

The less I think "marketing and sales" is even needed.

I think the entire language of it is exactly why people tend to hate "sales."

Both being a sales person and being sold to.

And as the day went on, and the thoughts continued to roll in, I thought about what "sales and marketing" really is.

Here's the question that kept popping up...

What if we looked at sales and marketing through the eyes of love and service and changed the entire language around it?

It might look something like this...

Ads and Sales Copy

(Through The Eyes of Love and Service):

Is an attempt to understand people and their needs in a way we can speak their language, and have an idea of what they might want and need.

Marketing and Follow Up

(Through The Eyes of Love and Service):

Means connecting with people in a fuller way.

Getting to know them, and helping them get to know us and our intentions and our motives, and our heart.

Establishing a relationship.

Making Sales

(Through The Eyes of Love and Service):

Means you have served at a high enough level that the people or person on the other end of your service knows that you care about them.

About their results.

And that you're actually wanting from your heart to help them get those results.

So maybe "Sales and Marketing" is just a language of love when done from the heart.

The same as any relationship that goes and ends well.

1. You attempt to understand

2. You connect in a fuller way

3. You serve at a higher and higher level through more understanding and connection, and real relationships are forged.

I wonder if more people saw "Sales and Marketing" from the eyes of love, it would be viewed in higher regard.

Even one of the more sought after activities on earth.

Because when you look at it from the eyes of love...

Marketing and sales at it's core is just serving people at the highest level out of a true desire to want the best for them.

What are your thoughts, Friend?

I'd truly love to know.

Because here's my dirty little secret that's driven me crazy for years.

I hate sales and marketing as it's defined today.

I don't want to market.

I don't want to sell.

I just want to serve people at the highest level and work WITH them to achieve the desires of their heart.

Will building my business using the language of love work?

Not sure.

But, I truly think so.

And because I fully believe it, I am going to work as hard as I can to BE the change I wish to see in this industry.

To change the language.

The tactics.

The views of it from the outside.

If all goes well, I'm going to remove the sales and marketing title entirely and make this the industry of:

Service... Motivated by Love.

Are you with me?

Nick Bramble

Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!

P.S.  If you resonate with me, and want to get a closer look at our community, you can see the heart of it here.

This isn't a sales video.

It's just raw, heart to heart conversations with a community of people that's dedicated to creating freedom through loving and serving others.


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