Subject: 🔵 Want to give more (you need to make more)

We have given over 111,000 days worth of meals to starving children all over the world

I bought lunch yesterday for some friends while at my daughter's regional even for gymnastics (awesome video coming on that this week).


Buying lunch for others felt good.

It ALWAYS feels good to give, right?

Even something as small as lunch for your friends.

Personally, I think it's because we are MEANT to give to others.

As much as we can.

As often as we can.

You feel that too, don't you?

That desire to not just make more for yourself, but to give to others in some way, shape, or form.

The desire to actually contribute to the world in a positive way...

To give to others is why this post into our community means so much to me.

What that post means is that for because of our community, there are now 111,000 DAYS that a starving child won't be starving....

They will have the food they need.

The nutrients they need.

The love they need to heal, grow, and maybe even some day in the future give back.

And that's something else I believe.

As humans, what we really do is...

Create The Future

Our contributions to the world are a part of the futures that we are creating.

Sure, we first create our own futures.

But, more importantly...

What we do with the lives we create, also creates the futures of others.

Which makes contribution and giving even more important.

Because you are ALWAYS changing and creating the future.

Even when you're doing nothing.

Consider the 111,000 days worth of meals we have provided as a community to the world.

If we did nothing, that's 111,000 days that there would be starving people in the world that didn't have to starve.

Doing nothing is sometimes the worst case scenario.

And I think at some point in life, the lack of the ability to serve touches our hearts deeply.

It's a hurt that doesn't go away.

A regret that haunts us.

Because I know...

And because YOU know, you were meant to do more for people.

For communities.

For causes that speak to you.

Anyway... this email isn't meant to be a downer.

Quite the opposite.

It's meant to let you know that you have the ability to create whatever future you want for yourself.

And also to positively impact the world when you're able to give to it and create the futures of others as well.

If you want to be able to not just have more...

But to do more.

Be more.

And GIVE more...Meet our community by pressing play below...

When you decide to partner with this amazing community...

You'll get the step by step "Ready to go" system, and the skills to create a better future for yourself.

Plus, you'll be able to create the time and the resources you need to start creating more positive futures for all of the people, causes, and communities you feel in your heart you're meant to give to.

If you're ready to start being the change you'd like to see in the world, this could be your first step.

Enjoy your Sunday.


"Called Free to Be More"


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