Subject: 🔵 Want more sales? (without selling). [New Podcast Episode]

I sent you this new podcast episode yesterday and I wanted to make sure that you actually listened to it.

Crazily enough, most people who open emails, are just creepy lurkers who don't click.

Even when a person who has been successfully creating sales in everything he touches for over 17 years...

Reveals his #1 top strategy for doing it.

Like I do when you actually decide to not be a creepy lurker and click play here.

You can use the play button below as well if you want...

Because when you do click play to listen to this 100% free content with no call to action trying to get you to buy something, you'll hear...

The Secret to Making People Feel Psychologically Compelled (in a good way) To Buy Stuff From You...

Plus Continue to Happily Throw Money at You For Life!

It really is that powerful of a skill.

And you can start doing it today no matter what your skill level is.

And no matter what business you're trying to build...

Or, products, tools, or services you're trying to sell.

And don't worry, I don't use the secret to try and make you buy anything.

Although I actually could (MUHAHAHAAH!)

It's just 100% pure free content that will help you.

Plus you'll get a sneak peek into my Good Friday late night hijinx...

And learn some personal stuff about my favorite hobbies and addictions that may surprise you.

(curiosity provoking image below)...

I really believe that when you listen, you'll learn something you can use for the rest of your life to create freedom.

But, my other hope is that you'll actually have as much fun listening to it, as I did recording it for you.

Because this Freedom Building game is so much fun, and it's one of my passions to help you enjoy the journey.

Here's one last chance to click play (and not be a creepy lurker! 😂)

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  I truly want to help you and work WITH you some day soon to build the freedom you want in your life.

If you want to, feel free to text me anytime here...


That's a real number and you won't be added to any automated lists or anything.

So be sure to give me a few minutes to personally get back to you.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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