Subject: 🔵 Want less saIes?

Keep doing this if you want less saIes

I sent this last night, but the internet squirrels got to it.

So I wanted to make sure you got it.

Because not knowing what's below will keep you from making most of your saIes.

So, let's get to it with a bold and weird statement.

What keeps you from making lots of saIes...

Is your constant seIIing.

Seems backwards, but once I learned this, and I learned what actually DID result in saIes...

They came in quickly and easily with nearly zero seIIing needed on my part.

Here's the bottom line...

If you want to make saIes, you have to serve people.

Help people.

Get them a result that THEY want.

Here's an example of how to not make any saIes, and how to get daily, easy saIes with the exact same offer.

If you want to seII a page building software, you've got two choices...

1. You can ask people every day to buy it.

Telling them how cool it is.

And force feed them why they need it.

This will result in exactly zero saIes.

Trust me, I did it for years.

2. You can put together a simple 5 step process of how to build a simple 2 page funnel that can help anybody get a saIe online in 48 hours.

No matter what, using choice 2...

You are helping people get a result whether they buy something or not.

But, embedded in the 5 steps is going to be setting up the pages using a specific page builder.

You can show how simple the builder is.

You can show the exact templates I use.

You can even share the funneI pages.

Even if you NEVER openly seII the builder, because you gave value.

Because you demonstrated the results they can get with the builder.

And because you give away the templates...

You will for sure make saIes even without asking.

I know, because I am still getting lncome a decade later from doing this exact thing (only, I did it with an email autoresponder).


Getting 10 years of residuaIs from something you never even openly sold.

You just demonstrated.

Pretty cool stuff.

It's fun.

It's simple.

And people love to buy from you, even without you asking.

So, now that you know...

The only thing probably holding you back is actually putting together these little mini-course demonstrations of trainings, right?

Well, I've got a solution for that too if you want it.

My 8 FlG friend just put together tons of courses and training that you can give away for f.ree that does exactly what I just described.

And inside of the trainings and mini courses are tools and resources that generate lncome for YOU if anybody decides to use them.

The trainings are done for you.

The emails are done for you.

The live help and training are done for you.

The saIes processes are done for you.

And YOU get the lncome.

So, it goes like this...

1. You give away a cool, f.ree training or invite to a live event.

2. When people go through it, they get amazing value and they love you.

They are also introduced to tools and resources within the mini-courses that will help them get results easier or faster.

When they grab those resources, YOU get the lncome.

No Iink dropping.

No program hopping.

No asking for the saIe, ever.

Just recommend cool stuff that helps people.

And generate residuaI lncome the simple, fun way.

I lay it all out here if you want to get a detailed explanation of how this all works.

Or, if you just want to start giving away f.ree lncome generating mini-courses...

Create a f.ree account, and start giving away the amazing f.ree courses and training.

Hope your day is great.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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