Subject: 🔵 Want "feel good" freedom?

I am so freakin' blown away by what I saw today in my email. Here's what I saw that I think you'll love too

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

I have so many emotions about what I am about to show you.

I'm excited.

I'm grateful.

I'm humbled.

I'm honored.

And pretty much I am just flat out blown away.

As a company we've experienced tremendous growth this year.

The most incredible part of that growth to me, is this...

For every product sold here, we donate AT LEAST one full day worth of meals to starving children all over the world.

And get this...

In August alone, we provided 7,986 DAYS worth of meals.

Is that incredible, or is that freakin' awesome?!?

But it gets even cooler.

Our grand total is now up to 146,349 total DAYS worth of meals provided for starving children all over the world.

Freedom feels good.

But, Freedom + Contribution is literally changing everything that I believe is possible in the world.

Because with this community and business, we are proving that you can create wealth and serve the world with that wealth at the same time.

Because I fully believe that I have been called free to serve others and help them get free too...

One of my goals is to change not just the way wealth is created, but the way that it's used in the world.

This place is the first place I have experienced in nearly 20 years that combines those 2 things perfectly.

If you have this feeling that won't go away that you were meant to do more...

Have more.

Be more.

And GIVE more.

What we are doing here may be perfect for you too.

Thanks for reading and here's to your blessed life that blesses others as you step into it.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


P.S. Want to connect?

Texting me at the number you see above is my absolute favorite way to connect.

After that, my next favorite is Telegram because I don't have to get stuck in the social noise, and we can just instantly connect without distractions.

But, if it's easier for you to connect on social, you can catch me in any of these places.

I'm actually posting fun and helpful stuff all the time if you want to check it out.


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