Subject: 🔵 Want 9OO doIIars in the next 24 hours?

Stop buying the lie (literally) that you have to struggle. You don't. It can be more simple

It's frustrating to start something and be dragging in lack of results for weeks and months.

The "guru" wants you to think that it's part of the process.

Mostly because they are selling you courses that they want you to keep buying one more level of.

Until they've sold you thousands in stuff you never even go through.

The long struggle doesn't have to be your story.

And if it's already been a long struggle...

Buck the course shoveling gurus and start getting results now.

Just like Michele. (see image below)

There is a better faster way to get to that first 1OOk.

This is it.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  Here's that result that could just as easily be yours.

Imagine $9OO doIIars more being yours in the next 24 hours.

Maybe more...

Because on Thursday night, we're doing another "Close Your SaIes For You" event like this.

So far, I get at least one $9OO doIIar saIe from every one of these events.

Even if I don't show up!

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