Subject: 🔵 Wanna see my happy place?

I'm in my happy place all this week (see image below)...

And here is how I can step into it when I want with my family.

This is what I want for all of you.

To be able to be doing what you love the most, with the people you love the most...

And serving the people, communities, and causes that God puts into your heart at any moment.

The beach for me has always been one of peace, comfort, and just inner joy.

It’s the place that always feels like “home” to my Spirit.

My wife and I will have our own little ocean front place at some point full time.

We’re getting close as the kids are grown and doing their own thing a lot.

For now, this ocean front condo does just fine.

My goal is to build systems, training, community and everything you need to step into your happy place.

I've already been building all of that here for you...

So, you can step into your dreams and all that God has for you.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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