Subject: 🔵 Wanna hang tonight at 8pm?

We've been taught our entire lives that it's ok to spend most of our time away from the people and things we love.

That's it's ok to abandon our children and loved ones all day long.

That it's ok to use the homes we pay for just for sleep.

That it's ok to put our hopes and dreams on hold to some future "retirement" date.

That it's ok to trade nearly all of our time here on earth just to have a few extra pennies after the bills each month.

I'm here to tell you that there is NOTHING ok with any of that.

And tonight right here at 8pm EST...

I am going to give you the TRUTH, and a much better option.

I believe that we are meant to do more...

Have more.

Be more.

And GIVE more.

We aren't just here to wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat, and leave the earth without a trace of us even being here.

If you believe that too.

If you want to actually have a life where you have the time, the resources, and the freedom to...

Spend your time with who you love the most.

Doing the things you love the most.

And contributing to the people, causes, and communities that light a fire in your heart.

Then, this LIVE presentation at 8pm EST TONIGHT (Tuesday), is probably for you.

Just be warned...

This presentation will WRECK you.

But, I believe in the best way possible.

Because you will never be able to look at your life the same ever again.

Especially if you've been existing in a life you know you were meant to LIVE in.

That you know you were meant to GIVE more to.

I will show you some truths about creating real weaIth that you may have not even known existed.

And when you see what you're about to see...

You'll never be able to go back to "life" as you've been taught.

But, you absolutely WILL have a plan to step into actually LIVING a life of purpose, and fun, and excitement, and adventure.

Maybe for the first time ever.

I sincerely hope to see you here at 8pm EST Tonight (Tuesday, June 20th).

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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