Subject: 🔵 Wanna feel alive? Me too (here's my secret)

Confession: I feel like I'm existing sometimes too. Even during the dream.

I've got a confession to make.

I write, and speak a lot about getting you out the a life of existence, and actually living the life you're called to live.

But, there are times when I feel like I am just existing too.

And to be honest, it's kind of painful.

It's almost this sense of nothingness.

Like what I am doing in that moment, or in the moments of existence are meaningless.

Going nowhere.

Without purpose.

Far from God and what He has for me.

And I don't mean to be gloomy, just honest with where I feel like I've been lately.

In hopes that it maybe touches you inside one of those moments too.

With the intention of getting you out of it, and back into life.

And also with the intention of getting me out, and back into life too.

That's all good marketing really is, if I can inject some b.usiness lesson into this.

It's connecting with those you're serving to the level where they are saying...

"Me too."

If you're at that level of connection, it means you get them.

And if you prove enough times that you "get them."

You understand where they are at right now.

What they might need to get to where they're trying to go...

You establish a trust and rapport that opens them up to accepting recommendations, offers, advice that you have for them.

You become a trusted source.

So, I want you to know that if you're finding yourself thinking more often than not...

"There has to be more than this."

I get you.

I am you.

I have both been where you're at, and revisit it during times like I am in right now.

Because I am having the same thought right now in this season.

A feeling of disconnect.

Of wanting to do more of what God actually created me to do.

In my heart, that part is clear.

I fully believe that God has called me to be f.ree, to serve and love more.

(Galatians 5:13).

That He has given me desires that I have pursued and turned into an abundance of time, talent, and treasure.

But sometimes, I feel like I get stuck using the time, talent, and treasure to serve myself only.

In doing so, I find myself further from God, not closer.

And it always brings me to these places of discontent.

Of feeling lost.

Of wondering what it's all for if just to stack up more time, more talent, and more treasure and not using it to serve.

I always have this image of Scrooge McDuck swimming in a sea of coins only to feel mostly alone.

But, here's the light in all of this gloomy talk.

I know exactly when I feel more alive.

It's when I am leaning into Galatians 5:13 with everything I have.

It's when I am building something not just for me, but with the intention to please God, and serve those He puts in front of me.

It's when I am stepping into the words that I penned on Feb. 26, 2017 (see below).

It's when I know I am closer to God, and what He has for me.

It's when I am feeling alive, and full of energy and purpose.

So, if you're feeling like you've been called by God to have more, be more, do more, give more, and live more...

I get you.

You're in the right place.

And I want to unlock for you the time, talent, and treasure to serve in the way that you were meant to.

I'd like to invite you to help me build a community of...

God Centered, Principle Centered, & Highly Skilled Entrepreneurs just like you that have the time, talent, and treasure to both live amazing lives...

And serve the people, communities, and causes that God puts into our hearts at any moment.

You with me?Let me know with a quick reply.

I'd love to know who wants to take this journey with me.

I'd love to know who is sure in their hearts that they have been called f.ree by God.

To turn the desires He put into your heart into an abundance of time, talent, and treasure.

And use it to unlock your own amazing life...

Plus, serve the people, communities, and causes that God continues to put into your heart in every moment.

Nick Bramble

P.S.  The Called F.ree Life was born with these words that God spoke so clearly into my heart when I was feeling lost nearly 7 years ago.

If you can relate, let's do great things together.

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