Subject: 🔵 Wanna Meet? (for real in person)

The most transformational 3 days in HBA history happened last week, and you'll want to be a part of the next one.

Happy Thursday, Friend!

Last week, we had the 3 most transformational days in HBA history.

For some, it was the most transformational 3 days of their lives!

For me, it was so powerful.

It confirmed to me that getting The HBA tools, training, resources, community, and mission of Freedom to the world...

In November of this year, we are doing it all again in Mesa Arizona.

And I would love to be able to shake your hand.

Give you a hug.

And personally connect in a way you just can't do online.

Would you like to join me and the other crazy Freedom Crusaders in Mesa?

Some cool "extra" benefits of this event.

Ticket sales are NOT for profit.

❤️ Every single extra cent gets donated to Feed My Starving Children.

Last Week We Donated as a Company (from event proceeds) 12,284 Meals!

A meal means a full days worth of food, so we provided over 12,000 days of food for starving children all over the world!

❤️ We are actually going to visit the Feed My Starving Children packing station while we are there and help pack meals!

I am so excited about this!!!

And I am so excited at the chance to meet YOU as well in person.

Now, if you can't make it in person, please still get a ticket here.

You will you get access to the event livestream so you can watch in real time.

Plus, you will get access to the event recordings, plus ALL previous years event recordings.

And... your ticket sales will help us donate more meals to Feed My Starving Children.

I can't really put into words why you should go, so I highly recommend watching all of these event reaction videos to see what last week meant to everyone.

To see what it could do for YOU in November.

This isn't a commission thing (none are made).

This isn't a profit thing (all are given to FMSC).

This is about connection, community, and belief in a mission to spread freedom to the world.

If you have any questions, please reach out.

I truly am out of my mind excited for November.

I never want the days to pass faster, but in this case...

I kinda do!

And please reach out if I can help you with anything at all.

The fastest way to catch me is here

Have an awesome day!


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S. What's the biggest obstacle holding you back right now from building your freedom business?

I really want to know so I can help you.


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