Subject: 🔵 Wake. Work. Eat. Sleep. Puke

Here's the truth, Friend...

You're building somebody's future right now.

Yours, and the people you care about.

Or somebody else's who probably doesn't care a lick about you.

Here's why I MUST say this.

If I don’t say it, somebody (maybe you) is going to live a miserable life.

You’ll spend 12 to 20 years and as much as hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn to be broke in the job model.

Maybe you've already done that.

Don't follow one mistake for the other and stay in that broke model.

Are you really saying that your future, and the future that those you are about means so little that...

You won’t spend a year of your life and 1 - 2 hours per day to gain skills that nobody can take away.

And that will allow you to create your own weaIth on demand for life?

Heads up...

You’ve sold your life and your time to an uncaring machine.

You’ve been taught to be a consumer your entire life.

These last 60 days are what they've really trained you for.


Truth is though, those who life amazing lives that they love, are ALWAYS producers.

And here's the kicker, Friend...

It’s easier, shorter, and cheaper to learn what I do.

It’s safer to do what I do.

When you learn to do what I do...

You’re giving yourself the skills to create for yourself in any economy in any situation.

Jobs are the worst financial plan ever.

Proven to leave you broke and unhappy.

Even if you think building your own thing is risky…

At least you have a chance to win.

Jobs are LOSE/LOSE.

Even if you win, you finish broke, unhappy, unfulfilled and dying in your regrets.

You can spend less than the worthless Christmas presents under the tree...

And “buy” a multi miIIion doIIar business.

Plus, have a chance from day one to create more weaIth with it than the owners without doing any of the hard, techy, time consuming, expensive stuff they still have to do.

But listen... It’s your dream.

Nothing you buy is going to make you actually take the actions needed to turn the knowledge or tool or system into your dream life.

Your own dream has to be important enough to fight for.

And no, buying or joining something isn’t fighting.

It’s taking a simpler path, but it’s still a path.

There is no jump to the top of the pyramid.

No crazy list fairy that will drop a list under your pillow at night.

Learn the skills.

Do the work.

Reach back and help others at every step.

So, I'll end with this...

I know that sometimes you think that I refer you to stuff because it's just another lncome stream to me.

And I get it.

Most people in the industry do that.

They don't use the stuff they recommend.

They don't care about the people that seII it to.

But, here's how much I value this.

When my daughter came to me and asked me what she should do to build a long term, stable lncome online...

What's in this video is the real, raw, unfiltered truth of what I told her.

Take a few minutes to watch it.

After 20 years of successfully doing this stuff...

This is the ONLY plan I would follow.

Again, I so much believe in it...

That it's literally the formula that I just gave to my daughter to follow.

Some of that was hard truth to deal with, but I know you get it.

I know you feel it.I know you want more.

Deserve more.

Have more to give to the world then the wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat zombie walk.

It's time to have all that you want, Friend.

Nick Bramble

P.S.  This isn't about a business, or a product for me.

This is a REVOLUTION that has been brewing in me since I was a child.

Sitting in the back seat of a car, watching strangers drive by angry, unhappy, with blank zombie stares.

Here's what it's about...

It's about building the largest community of servant based entrepreneurs on the planet...

Who have the skills, the tools, and the resources to create weaIth in a way that gives us the time and f.reedom to spend our time with those we love the most.

Doing the things we love the most.

And serving the people, communities, and causes that speak to our hearts.

If you want to be a part of the revolution, you can see the movement and decide if you want to be a part of it here.

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