Subject: 🔵 WOW Friend. Just wow.

I'm trying to think of another word for this. Marvelous. Awesome. Perfect are others that come to mind.


🤯 Here's a random, mind blowing thought I had today about the numbers you see below...

I was able to start with just $25 to "buy" an existing multi mullion dollar business that produces nearly 200k in monthly revenue.

The numbers are higher than what you see above.

I was just too lazy to go grab a new image.

I can maintain that business for $4.93 per day.

Which is less than what most pay for the fancy morning coffee.

I have the opportunity from day one to generate more wealth from this business than the actual owners because the commission levels are so high.

And without all of the hard, techy, time consuming, expensive, annoying "owner" stuff that Mike and Paul do for me.

I actually get to take the easiest 2 or 3 steps each day (out of the hundreds it takes to run a company).

And those steps often involve sending this email and nothing else!

Man... I love affiliate marketing.

And I REALLY love Mike and Paul and this amazing business model they built for me.

(and also built for YOU if you've got some spare coffee change lying around).

It's the definition of a true freedom business model.

Life has been made so simple for us all, hasn't it?

Enjoy your night, Friend.

Bye for now.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


P.S. Want to connect?

Texting me at the number you see above is my absolute favorite way to connect.

After that, my next favorite is Telegram because I don't have to get stuck in the social noise, and we can just instantly connect without distractions.

But, if it's easier for you to connect on social, you can catch me in any of these places.

I'm actually posting fun and helpful stuff all the time if you want to check it out.


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