Subject: 🔵 WOAH... want a 4OO% increase in SOS saIes?

Do This, your Secrets of Success sales could increase by 4OO% over night.

Hey Friend...

I just got an email and saw a post in the SOS group from Justin that the new bibliomania link with the button on it is getting a 4OO% increase in saIes!

Log into your affiliate back office and copy the link that says...

"Bibliomania Link With Button to Sign Up Immediately"

Send that out to your list.

Get it up on social.

Follow up with anyone who has taken a look, and let's grow!

Here's some swipe that Russell wrote himself.

Seriously... he's one of the best marketers on the planet.

Take advantage.

If you're not an affiIiate yet, log into your SOS back office and click on "Referral Program."

You'll get 4O% on all of your saIes...

PLUS, and additional 1O% whenever anyone on your team makes a saIe.

It's pretty powerful.

I was listening to the Elsie Lincoln Benedict "How to Get Anything You Want" podcast yesterday and here's what she said...

"You can't get that biggest thing you're seeking, without taking care of the little things."

We're studying that next month as a community, and I'm absolutely LOVING Elsie so far.

Definitely log in and start reading and listening to her.

She was able to speak live to over 3M people in an age where women weren't even considered worth listening to.

She's powerful and amazing.

Here's how to implement what she was saying TODAY and grow...

If you're looking to create that big residuaI lncome with your SOS business, you need to focus on the small, daily actions.

Getting messages out to your list and following is one of those daily actions.

Grab this new page that is getting a 4OO% increase and saIes and go!

Nick Bramble

P.S. Did you grab your f.ree books and bonuses from Russell yet?

Get them here TODAY before they run out of books and you have to wait...

1.  Go here

2.  Use this email when grabbing the offer:

3.  Email me ASAP and let me know you grabbed it and I will send you a treasure trove of extra bonuses.

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