Subject: 🔵 WOAH... it can do all that for f.ree?

I was broke, Friend.

Actually worse than broke.

I had MINUS money because I was floating between 3Ok and 5Ok in debt.

It's why when I first got started, affiIiate marketing was so appealing to me.

I could just grab a link and go.

No expensive product development.

No fancy website design fees.

No need for employees or inventory.

I could have a business today for literally ZERO doIIars, and be profitabIe the same day.

As I got going though, I realized that if I did want to have an actual business, I needed a couple of things.

A simple page builder.

And an autoresponder.

The page builder allowed me to put up just TWO pages that went on to help me generate over 7FlGS.

Page one collected leads (more on that in a sec).

Page two introduced me, and allowed me to be introduce offers, offer bonuses, and more.

It was just a simple page with a video and a button...

But, It made me look like a big shot, even though most of the work I wasn't doing.

Still, it gave me "street cred" and made more people want to take the offers I was recommending.

Once I collected the lead from page one...

I had it hooked to an autoresponder that added them to MY list that I could then follow up with pretty much forever.

Which is important, because without follow up... you have no business.


Because in general, with cold traffic, less than 1% of anybody buys right away.

And most don't buy for up to 90 days or more.

Without a way to send automated messages every single day to all my leads, I would have made like 20 bucks ever.

Anyway, I say all of that to tell you this...

If I had THIS tool when I got started, it would have accelerated my success path.

And saved me a bunch of money that I didn't have at the time because it's totally f.ree.

It's not just for beginners though.

I actually use it TODAY in my business because it literally has every single thing I need in one place.

For most, the f.ree version is MORE than enough to do everything you need to build a business.

In fact, because I am using my old autoresponder to send this... it's costing me over 7O bucks a month.

If you're smarter than me, you can do that here for absolute zippo.

It's kinda crazy all that it will do for you without having to open up the waIIet.

In fact, then I first looked at it, I was like...

"WOAH... it does all of that for F.REE?!?"

Anyway, if you're building a business and you need tools, but you don't have a huge budget.

Or, you just want a single tool that does EVERY single thing you'll ever need to do and more in one place.

So you don't have to hassle with connecting stuff...

This incredible tool might just be a life saver for you.

And as a bonus, anything that I build, I can easily just give you a link to and you can add it to your system.



Email campaigns.


If you get it here, let me know what I can help build for you and I'll help make life a little easier for you.

In fact, I'll give you those 2 pages that have allowed me to take in well over 7 FlGS just by using them.

They work for pretty much any afiIiate offer, home business, NM business, or whatever you might be building.

Either way, I hope you have an incredible Thursday, Friend.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

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