Subject: 🔵 WOAH... I just fed 3,000 starving children

Holy cheeseburgers Batman, I just fed over 3,000 starving children!

"The secret to living... is giving."

It's a quote I've heard many say, and I fully believe it.

It's why I am so full of life knowing that just by building a business that I love...

The sales I've created have provided over 3,000 DAYS worth of meals to starving children all over the world.

It's a really amazing feeling.

And one that unfortunately many, maybe you, never get to experience.

And, it's not because you don't want to.

It's just brain science that's holding you back.


It's been proven that in a state of lack, the brain can't focus much past resolving that lack.

So, for example, if you struggle to pay the bills every month...

Your brain goes into survival mode and only has the thought, and vision, and wisdom it needs to meet that lack.


You physically can't even think of ways that you could help serve the world at the highest level when you yourself are struggling.

And boy do I remember those limited brain power days well.

When I was afraid to check the mail...

Or, answer the phone because it was another creditor demanding money...

I know for sure my brain wasn't thinking past the debt.

All I could think about was how to get out.

But, even though my mental vision was being squashed by the financial situation I was in...

There was still this calling in my heart to do more.

Be more.

Give more.

It just wasn't until I got out of that bad financial situation by using a better model like this...

That I could really start thinking past myself and my family.

To really thinking about how I could serve the community and the world around me at a higher level.

It's actually pretty amazing what opens up when you have time, and financial, and lifestyle freedom...

What opens up is another type of freedom that I believe changes the world in the best way possible...

Mental Freedom!

And what I have found is that when you're brain isn't clouded up by survival mode...

It unlocks the part of your brain that has the most magnificent visions, and wisdom.

It allows you to see with such great clarity your purpose in life.

Which, of course, is always tied to serving some group or community or cause outside of yourself.

So, your purpose is waiting.

Your best life is waiting.

Your highest contributions to the world are waiting in that secret freedom place of mental freedom.

And you can't get there until you first get free of the slavery of lack and debt.

Here's how I did it... and how I can help you do it too if you're ready.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  If you have questions about how I can help you, or about what my team of Freedom Crusaders actually do, feel free to email me.

I actually do open and read ALL emails.

Or, you can shoot me a quick text here:


I personally answer all texts too!


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