Subject: 🔵 Ugh. Mondays, right?

Ugh. Another Monday, right? And it's just the first day of a series of wasted days you'll live this week.


I used to hate Mondays.

It used to be the first day of an entire wasted week at a place I didn't enjoy going.

With people I mostly tolerated.

For a crappy salary that still had me having to take bottles back to get a pizza on a Friday night.

It always felt like the longest day ever.

Anyway... if you're back to work today, you get it.

So, I won't rub salt in your wounds.

I really just wanted to tell you that things can change.

They can be much better.

You can wake up happy.

Excited for the day.

And spend all of your time with the people, causes, and communities that mean most to you.

That job you hate isn't the only option.

It took me getting let go on a "budget cut" 3 weeks before Christmas 17 years ago to fully figure that out.

I actually tell that story on pages 18 - 19 of my book here.

You'll see how I went from almost no real skill or knowledge of how to build anything online...

To over 💲101,000 within the first year of losing that crappy job.

Doing 3 simple things, that took me only 30 minutes per day most days.

I still live that life 17 years later.

So, there is hope.

There is a path that you'll like much better.

You just have to take the first step.

When you do, I'll not only give you the step by step plan I have followed for over 17 years to be free...

But, I'll give you a special chance to give yourself a raise of 💲120 per day giving away free copies of my book.

Sounds good, right?

It doesn't have to be live this forever.

Let me help you.


"Called Free, to Be More!"

P.S.  Join The Revolution. Live Free. Be More.


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