Subject: 🔵 UGH... ever had a biII you couldn't pay? (stinks, right?)

What if you got a 1Ok bill today and you had to pay it in 7 days or less? Could you handle it?

I just got an unexpected bill that could reach over 5-FlGS.

And it MUST be taken care of in the next few days or my house is ruined.

Imagine if you got that bill today.

How would you feel.

Would your stomach sink to your toes?

Would you want to cry?

Would you be stress, worried, angry?

There was a time in my life where that bill would have crushed me physically, mentally, and definitely from an lncome stand point.

I'd probably scream until my eyes wanted to pop out.

How do I know?

Because when stuff like this happened to me when I had zero extra doIIars back in the day... that's how I reacted.

But this time.

I was like ok... let me know how and when you need the funds.

And I'll get it handled right now.

But, here's what's even more cool.

By the end of the month, I will have REPLACED the 1Ok with lncome that I create from now until the end of April (like 13 days).

So, not only can I handle the biII...

I am immediately going to be able to replace what I had to dish out, like it was never gone!

This is real f.reedom, Friend.

If you want to stop the struggle, this is my highest recommendation for doing that.

I recommend it so highly that I have BOTH of my children doing this.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  If you'd rather catch up with us live...

On Thursday night, we're doing another "Close Your SaIes For You" event like this.

So far, I get at least one $9OO doIIar saIe from every one of these events.

Even if I don't show up!

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