Subject:Ā šŸ”µ UGH... I got "suckered" (be careful)

And so did over 350k people. Read this

UGH... did I really just get suckered by getting into this?

This is a must read.

Did I Just Get Suckered? šŸ­

So a nice man named John was kind enough to reply to a team member of mine letting him know heā€™d been suckered into a business.

Why suckered?

Wellā€¦ because my team member pays $9.95 a month for a business that wonā€™t grow unless, get thisā€¦

He actually builds it.

Thanks captain obvious (John) for that.

But John also mistakenly thinks that the product is a business.


The product is a membership with real value.

My membership (that less than $10) saves me over $100 a month on stuff I was already buying.

Itā€™s saving a lot of other people too.

Actually ALL of the 350k plus people will save money because of the membership if they use it.

And think about what ā€œsaveā€ means.

Itā€™s not just that I saved over $100.

Because I was already spending it, I increased my monthly cash flow by $100 just by being a member.

Take the income side completely out of the equation and LiveGood increased my monthly cash flow by over $100.

Thatā€™s the power of having a membership that actually has value.

But since John brought it up, letā€™s talk income for a sec...

And also address the possibility of earning before you start building (which I donā€™t teach or recommend doingā€¦ EVER).

That being saidā€¦

I do have ā€œsuckersā€ on my team who havenā€™t built the business one bit.

Not a single customer or affiliate.

And theyā€™re enjoying a nearly 17X return on their monthly membership cost.

Whether they use it to buy products, or build at allā€¦

They are getting a 17x return on their money (and growing) every month.

Iā€™d say thatā€™s a win.

But what happens if you DO actually build the business.

Letā€™s talk industry averages for a second first.

On average, less than 2% of anybody who joins other companies, ever gets back to break evenā€¦

Let alone creates cash flow.

And the 2% is being SUPER generous.

Definitely closer to 1%, or less than 1%.

So, I can actually see Johnā€™s concern.

But, letā€™s use 2% for fun and compare it to what weā€™re doing.

Of those 350k ā€œsuckers,ā€ about 30% are seeing a return on what they spent to become a member and affiliate in 7 days or less.

Thatā€™s 15X the industry standard.

And it happening in a WEEK! More ā€œsuckerā€ numbers.

šŸ‘‰ Over 5,000 BRAND NEW paychecks are created every week here.

And a paycheck means at bare minimum, youā€™ve recouped your money (which will now grow).

šŸ‘‰ Since February, weā€™ve averaged at least 2 new 6 Figure earners EVERY week.

šŸ‘‰ We just had a guy go from homeless to having a near $100k MONTH in less than 6 months.

He didnā€™t spend a dime on marketing and did it all from a government issued smart phone.

So his total ā€œcost,ā€ has been $9.95 a month.

šŸ‘‰ Continuing on the business side, weā€™re given a 100% FREE system thatā€™s converting all of our leads to PAID members at over 30%

Those numbers are COMPANY WIDE Which is astounding considering the numbers coming through it.

My personal conversions are over 70% lead to member.

That alone would be worth $9.95 šŸ‘‰

OUTSIDE of the income, the products inside of our membership are so good, and save people so muchā€¦

That the average order is FOUR products at a time.

Even with ZERO requirement to purchase anything inside of the membership.

Sort of like Costcoā€¦ you can use the membership as much or as little as you want.

Buy what you want, when and if you want it.

So, maybe itā€™s just that John and I have different views of being suckered.

If this is being suckered, then wrap me up and call me ā€œDum-Dum,ā€ because Iā€™m loving it.

Here's My Free Tour


Just in case there are any other suckers out there whoā€™d love to be ā€œsuckeredā€ too šŸ˜‚!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

FTC Disclaimer: I make no claims on what average partners can expect to do. This PROVEN business generates over 10 miIIion monthly, and creates checks for over 5,000 BRAND NEW people like you EVERY week. While those results you see are 100% verified and vetted by the company, your ability to get results is purely based on the effort you make in sharing the special link as often as possible, and may be more or less than those you have seen in the examples above. Bottom line, it works if you do.

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