Subject: 🔵 Turn Solo Ads into lncome With This?

If you've been struggling with Solo ads, here's the answer to conversions

Truth is solo ads get a bad rap.

Mostly because there are a lot of shady vendors out there seIIing fake clicks.

But, even when getting real clicks, I think most don't understand the purpose of a solo ad.

Solo ads (and all traffic sources) don't get you saIes.

They get you Ieads.

So, with that out of the way, what's the fastest way to turn Ieads into saIes using solos?

It starts with your process.

So, here's how I have used solos for the last 20 years to create the bulk of my saIes online...

1. Have your OWN capture page that collects Ieads into your OWN autoresponder.

I use GetResponse as it's very affiIiate friendly (most aren't).

2. Insert YOU into the process immediately.

As an affiIiate, understand you are sending traffic to somebody else's offer.

If you don't first connect with the Iead coming in, they will never connect with you.

And if they don't connect with you, there is little chance they will even open your email...

Let alone buy anything from you.

I do this with what I call a quick "Handshake" page after the capture page.

It's usually nothing more than a video and a button, but it does a couple of things.

It gets the Ieads knowing ME immediately.

It allows me to tell them that I am going to be showing up in their inbox, so they know who I am when I get there and they actually open my emails.

Maybe most importantly, I get to "set up" the saIe.

I can do this by showing my results, or the results of others.

I can do a demonstration of the product, showing how it will help THEM.

I can offer some extra bonuses to sweeten the offer and make them want to buy from me.

3. I Follow Up Daily. Forever

I mean it.

Forever.I'll use one of my favorite Frank Kern "isms" to tell you why...

"Most people won't."

Most people who come to your page won't opt in.

Most people who opt in won't check your email.

Most people who check your email, won't click.

Most people who click, won't buy.

I'll give you the numbers in another email, but the rule of 7 "touches" creates a saIe is now 32.

You read that right... 32 freakin' touches to get a saIe.

As I am typing this... I am realizing that this email is really an entire course in and of itself.

If you want me to do a full training on it with video walkthroughs, templates, swipe, and more, let me know.

For now... start doing those 3 things, and if you want more help on this, reply to this email and let me know.

If I get enough interest, I'll spend some time doing a deep dive.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  It can be a challenge to find quality vendors for solos.

There is actually a lot of dishonesty and trickery going on.

If you want my private list that I personally use weekly, you can get my best solo resources here.

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