Subject: 🔵 Trust God and do good

Good morning, Friend!

I think that sometimes we overcomplicate life.

Overthink every decision.

It's true for me anyway.

I tend to dwell on smaller thoughts as if the rise and fall of the world depended on my exactly perfect right answer.

In truth, it can be a little paralyzing for me at times, because it creates moments of doubt.

And doubt tends to lead us into the past.

Backwards instead of forwards.

I was about to have one of those moments today. I could feel it before I got out of bed.

The wavering.

The doubt.

The wanting my choices and decisions to be so perfect that life for me and everyone around me was a glorious rainbow and a beautiful bed of flowers.

But, guess what... life is not like that.


So, what then?

That's what I asked God today, knowing the moment that was brewing up inside of me.

Wanting to not be stuck in it.

I asked Him...

"What then, God?"

And He said so simply and beautifully and calmly...

"Trust in the Lord, and do good."

~Psalm 37:2

And I think that although life is anything but simple, our approach to handling it can be.

Imagine if in every moment we trusted in the love, and grace, and power, and beauty, and protection, and friendship of God...

Imagine if we stepped into the knowing that "All things work for the good of those who love Him." ~Romans 8:28

And then we used that trust as confidence to just go out and "Do Good," and let Him take care of the rest.

"Trust in the Lord, and do good."

Maybe life really is simple after all.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

P.S. The reason that doubt was stirring this morning is that I stepped into a new opportunity to help people this week.

It combines two things that I am super passionate about...

Taking care our health using food and supplements.

And helping people create weaIth in a way that gives them time and freedom to serve the world.

Those two things sound pretty noble... so, why the doubt?

Well, because there is part of me that goes back to my younger days when I was just a program hopper looking for doIIar signs.

And my mind tries to rise up and tell me...

"You're just one of those guys Nick, who chases shiny objects and gets others to do the same."

For a few minutes, I was starting to believe it.

But then the real me showed up, and that's when I went to God.

And He said to Trust Him and just do good.

Trust that He placed that desire into your heart to pursue greater health and weaIth for yourself and others, and do good with it.

So, yes, I am already a part of an amazing community that gives people all of the skills, tools, resources, and personal help to build their own dreams.

And I am already doing a lot of good with it.

But, is that the only good I am allowed to do in my life.

Am I just supposed to "bury" this desire to help people create more health and weaIth for themselves and others?

After speaking with God today, that's the crazy talk of the devil trying to make me bury a gift that God just opened up for me.

So, if greater health, and creating greater weaIth for yourself AND others appeals to you...

I invite you to take a look at this.

And I do it with the boldness and confidence that it was God breathed into my life for a reason.

So, I am going to do good with it.

Lots and lots of good.

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