Subject: 🔵 Tired of existing? Want to live?

I believe in the dreams of your heart, Friend.

And I want you to have the ability to believe more in them.

In fact, I think we are called free by God to be more.

To BElieve More in the Dreams and Desires Inside Our Hearts.

That they aren’t just random thoughts or ideas.

That this urge to be free and do more, be more, have more, and give more was placed into our hearts on purpose by God himself.

That we are DESIGNED to create the future and serve people through our creations and ideas.

Then to...

BEcome More to Achieve Those Dreams and Desires.

Give ourselves the tools, the skills, and the knowledge to be able to ACT on our dreams.

To become a DO-Dreamer.

DO-Dreamers are the only people who create amazing futures that change the world in the most positive way.

Because they ACT on their beliefs.

As as we become more, I believe that God wants us to...

BE More For Others

To use our time, our weaIth, and our freedom to serve the people, communities and causes that are speaking to us in our hearts.

Remembering always that those aren’t just random thoughts, dreams, and inspirations.

Inspiration by definition is GOD breathed!

We were meant for this!

Somebody actually NEEDS us to BE More for them.

God put you here FOR them.

So let's see the future in our dreams.

Become everything we need to be to live out those dreams.

And then go and create the abundant, loving, amazing future that God put us here to create!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

P.S. If this message inspired you. If you felt it in your heart.

If it called you to want to do more, become more, and be more.

If you want to partner with a bunch of people all creating the amazing futures that God placed in our hearts to create.

And if you're finally ready to start creating your own beautiful future too...

This May Be The Perfect Place For You.

Any questions, please email me, text me, or catch me on any of the platforms below.

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