Subject: 🔵 Time is running out

No false scarcity or any of that garbage. Time is actually for real running out on you.

I don't use a ton of "scarcity" or urgency" in my marketing, and it's considered a marketing sin.

But, I am not here to treat you like some kind of idiot and insult your intelligence.

Nor am I looking to have you inside of my community if you're just impulse buying and aren't 100% ready, focused, and committed to actually achieving your goals...

And feel like what I offer can get you there.

What I think is more important than "fear mongering" you into a fast decision, is making sure you know what I stand for... and how I can get you results.

So today, I wanted to list just a few of the core ideals behind Mission 5:13, and let you make an intelligent, adult decision to partner, or not partner with me.

We are right for each other if you are:

1. Positive Impact Driven

It matters to you that either through the products and services that you recommend...

Or, by using the time, freedom, and resources you gain through building your successful business...

That you are making positive contributions to the people, communities, and causes you feel born to serve.

2. Focused on Gaining Principle Based, LONG TERM Skills

You're looking to build something long term, so you want to gain real skills that will last you a lifetime.

Not tricks, or hacks, or gimmicks that will be out dated and gone next month.

3. You Want to Create TIME and FREEDOM, Not Just Money

You know that your most important asset is time, and desire to build wealth while you're enjoying your time loving and serving the people, communities, causes, and activities that mean the most to you.

You know that you'll never be your best self tied to somebody else's dream, or business...

That you need to be FREE to focus on YOUR dreams, desires, and goals.

4. You Put People Over Profits

You're not looking to hurt, or swindle people.

You're not looking to provide products, or recommend products and services that aren't of the highest value and service to others... just to make a buck.

You know that any person who gives you their hard earned money has a life, and a family, and goals, and dreams, and desires.

They aren't just "customers" but PEOPLE who deserve your very best at all times.

If you align with all of that, and you want to build a business that is...

Positive Impact Driven.

That is Principle Based and Gives You Long Term Skills.

That is Automated, So You Can Spend Less Time and Actually Make More!

And That Always Puts People First.

Then we are a good fit for each other.

I don't have a ton of products...

I only have ONE.

Why, mostly because of Core Ideal #2...I run a business that is PRINCIPLE based.

And the principles NEVER change.

So, if you do it right... what you learn today will be just as effective 20 years from now.

No tricks.

No gimmicks.

No latest "secrets."

(there are no secrets by the way).

Just EXACTLY what you need to build a LONG TERM business around absolutely anything that you love and care about.

And the only clock that is ticking... is the one on your life.

And that's the most important one.

If you aren't doing what you want with your time right now, the best time to change that is TODAY.

Because you want to.

Because you're ready.

Because you feel 100% confident that my mission can help you.

Because you're missing out on the life that you actually want.

Not missing some sort of "deal."


Creator of The "Mission 5:13" Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and LOVE More on the People God Has Called You to Serve!

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