Subject: 🔵 Throwing darts at people's faces?

This may seem like a fantasy land, but it's true and it's happening right now in front of you.

I love the affiIiate model.

I think it's the smartest.


Lowest risk, and most high reward b.usiness models that exists in the world.

I mean, where else can you plug into a b.usiness that's already proven.

Already making miIIions.

Already established.

And from day one get anywhere from 5Opct...

To even up to 1OOpct of the lncome made on any saIes you generate.

It seems like fantasy land stuff to me sometimes.

That, I think... is sometimes also the problem.

Because it's so simple.

Because the risk is so low and the buy in so minimal...

I think many in the industry don't treat it like a business.

They just grab link after link, from shiny object after shiny object.

And puke it all over the internet universe.

Not running a real b.usiness at all.

It's more like throwing ten darts at a time and trying to hit a bullseye.

In reality what happens is they just stab everyone in front of them and make them want to run away.

And so they pick up a new dart.

Because it can't possibly be that they aren't treating their b.usiness like a real b.usiness.

It can't be that they are failing to get the few skills it takes to get results.

But it is.

And that's really the ONLY reason people don't succeed with the affiIiate model.

All that said to say this...

I am on the hunt for people like you.

People who love the model.

People who want to turn it into a real, long term, generational weaIth and f.reedom building machine.

And that's why I recently launched this F.reedom Builder's Community.

I've been trying to give you F.ree access here for a couple of weeks now.

I am building a community who loves the affiIiate model.

Who knows the power of it to change lives.

And who want to become the best affiIiates in the world by making it a REAL b.usiness.

Not just a continuous link parade.

People who believe in companies and products they recommend so much that they feel they MUST share them with their audience.

Just as if you developed the product, service, or toll yourself.

Bottom line...

People like you who are SERIOUS about building a real b.usiness in the fastest.


Lowest risk model on the planet.

The AffiIiate Model.

That's why I think this community will be perfect for you.

And just a quick heads up...

To protect the community from the shiny object and link puking affiIiate bandits, this will not be a f.ree community for long.

Maybe another 100 members or so.

Then, I will lock it up and you'll have to open the pockets to be either a yearly, or lifetime member.

For you though.

Because you're serious now.

It's f.ree for as long as you want to stay.

Looking forward to seeing you inside of the F.reedom Builder's Community.

It's not just a community.

It's a mission.

A revolution.

A calling.

And you're perfect for it, I think.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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