Subject: 🔵 This might bug the 💩 out of you

What I do for the next 18 months may really bug you if...

Sorry for the emoji swears, but it's true, Friend.

I am doing something for the next 18 months that I have not done in a while.

Really. I've never done this... ever.

But here's why it's SUPER important that I do (and also why you might want to answer the questions below).

Unless you want to be bugged. 😀

I'll start by saying that I am genuinely super excited at the chance to partner with you.

And to give you access to the only ONE thing in my 20 years of doing this that truly has the timing and potential to free generations of my family (and yours) for just 6 to 18 months of work.

I'm so excited about it that I have dropped everything to give LiveGood and the team I am building here 100% of my time, efforts, and energy.

No joke..

What my team and I do over the next 6 - 18 months...

I fully believe will provide DECADES of freedom for our families...

As well as, allow us endless time and resources to serve the people, communities, and causes that God puts into our hearts.

I did a video on why I think that here:

I also did an entire LiveGood walkthrough here:

If this is not for you, no big deal... please just let me know.

Just like I value your time, I value mine as well. 

And truthfully, I want to focus my time, efforts, and energy on people who see the vision and are as excited about this as my team and I.

No big deal if that's not you.

I truly wish the best for you, no matter what you decide.

So, could you please reply to this email and let me know if you are a 1, a 2, or a 3?

Reply 1 -  It's not for you and you'd like me to stop bugging you about it.

Reply 2 -  If You're genuinely wanting to get started, you just have some questions you need help with (also send the questions to speed things up)

Reply 3 -  If You're getting started (please send me the date you plan to start, so I can set aside some time to be prepared to help you get going.

Thanks again for being on my list and paying attention to me.

I am sincerely excited to partner with you.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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