Subject: 🔵 This is total trash

Ugh... really? That was my first thought when I saw this in my inbox this morning.

I got a couple of emails from different "affiIiates" this morning, and my reaction to both was...

"This is just total trash."

I put affiIiates in quotes above, because I don't think that sending a Iink for any garbage product, service or tool that might put some doIIars into your pocket makes you an affiIiate.

But, too many think so.

To me, a real affiIiate knows who they want to serve.

Is passionate about who they want to serve.

And recommends tools, products, services, etc. that will help serve them at the highest level.

Not some junk jvzOO ten doIIar thing that by itself is total nonsense.

And then builds on the trash heap by offering more total joke upseIIs.

The real truth is, you can turn the AffiIiate model into a profession...

But, you have to actually become a professional.

You have to build your b.usiness on products, tools, and offers that are high quality.

That actually serve people more than some hyped up saIes page seIIing sizzle, but no steak.

I've been both the pro and the trash man, so no judgement.

I am just sharing what 20 years has taught me.

And that is...

If you want to make this a profession that allows you to generate any level of lncome that you personally desire for the rest of your life.

If you want to do it in a way that is respectable, and that actually serves people at the highest level...

You've got to raise your own standards and become a professional in your skillset.

Your mindset.

And your ability to use the toolsets available to you today.

The quickest way to do that is to align with other REAL professionals.

Not junk peddling, link droppers who just want to take people's doIIars as quickly and easily as possible.

It's hard to find though, right?

A community of professionals.

That knows how to create endless lncome.

Who serve people at the highest level.

Who have real skills that can translate into any b.usiness.

Who use real tools that scale and automate everything, so you can have a life and a b.usiness at the same time.

I've actually searched most of my 20 years doing this for such a community.

It was starting to feel like a search for the Loch ness monster or Bigfoot or something.

It was starting to look impossible.

Until I found "The Institute."

And because I know how hard the search can be, I just wanted to make sure that you knew about this place.

There is a community of real professionals waiting here for you.

Who have real skills.

Who use real tools.

And who have a real desire to help and serve people at the highest level.

A place where you can become a real professional, so you can unlock all of your dreams to do more.

Have more.

Be more.

And give more.

To me, this place just feels like home.

Hope maybe you feel that too F.reedom Builder.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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