Subject: 🔵 This is retiring my children (and their children)

This simple little website is not just going to provide a level of freedom that I have never experienced...

And keep in mind I have pretty much done whatever I have wanted for nearly 20 years (so that means a lot).

But, it's going to retire my children and provide for THEIR children.

This is a GENERATIONAL opportunity.

When I first got started, I told you that this was a God thing.

I took some flack.

I got some hate from people I love.

And now, as this thing is unfolding, it's clear.

This 100% is a God thing.If you're tired of struggling to produce for yourself.

And you want to not just get yourself free, but provide for GENERATIONS to come.

If you want to spend the most time with those you love the most.

Doing the things you love the most.

And be able to serve and give to the people, communities, and causes that God puts into your heart at ANY moment for the rest of your life.

I fully believe with everything in my Spirit, that this is the best path for you most people to do it.

I say that without hesitation.

Without hyperbole.

And with full confidence.

Nothing.I mean nothing makes sense to me any longer, but this.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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