Subject: 🔵 This is proven. Why do anything else?

Here's the latest numbers and they are fantastic.

We're celebrating independence here in the States this week.

And... we also just crossed over 12 MiIIion in saIes going directly to our community members.

In just the last 90 days.

Think about that as an affiIiate.

If you're building something as an affiIiate, part of the reason you do that is you want to plug into what is ALREADY working.

I'd say 12 MiIIion in 90 days makes something proven.

So, as you may have seen yesterday, I decided to give you 2OO doIIars in traffic when you decide to grab our Legacy offer this week.

==> The next person who gets started gets the full 2OO.

==> Person 2 gets 15O

==> Person 3 gets 1OO

==> Person's 4 and 5 get 5O doIIars in traffic.

So... the faster you act, the better the offer.

Sound cool?

Here's how to get it.

Jump into our F.reedom Builder's Community here.

2. Check out the Legacy Program by clicking on "Top F.reedom Builders."

I just added a crazy amount of community results.

Definitely worth a look.

3. DM me from inside of the community and let me know you want the 2OO.

This ends Thursday at 11:59pm EST.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  If you've somehow missed the Legacy program, here's why you might want to at least take a peek.

These are the amounts that went direct to members.

Because remember, we get 1OOpct

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