Subject: 🔵 This is probably not for you

Generational, Impact filled weaIth for a select few

When I first put this page up, my friend Paul said...

"Wow... that's a strong (in a good way) shift!"

And yes, it sure is.

Because this life isn't for me.

It's for Him, and those I am meant to serve, to help, to protect, and to impact.

Yes, I am creating generational weaIth with this.

And those that partner with me are too.

Faster than anything I have ever done.

So, you can use it too if you want.

And you'll have what I believe (based on real numbers that are actually happening)...

The BEST chance at creating real weaIth.

And weaIth to me means...

Producing lncome in a way that gives you the time and freedom to spend more time with who you love the most.

Doing the things you love the most.

While having the ability to serve and impact the people, communities, and causes that God puts into your heart at any moment.

So, it's cool if you need to rescue yourself right now.

To provide for your family in a bigger way.

I started there too.

We ALL start there.

But I always had this aching in my heart.

To do more.

To have more.

To be more.

And to GIVE more.

So who I am looking to partner with are people who are in pain.

Literal pain.

To rescue yourself.

To rescue your family.

To GIVE to the world, and impact the people, communities, and causes that make your heart hurt because you can't serve them at a higher level.

Because what stops the hurt, and turns that hurt into fulfillment...

Is the ability to without hesitation or limit give of your time, resources, talents, and freedom.

God put you here for more than some wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat existence.

He put you here to LIVE, and to GIVE life to others.

And when you're doing those things, life will change in ways you probably aren't even seeing.

I know I didn't see some of the awesomeness coming.

Anyway, if you want to see what it means to partner with me and the group of Freedom Builders we are building...

You can do that here.

But, I've gotta warn you...

This site and this message IS strong.

Just like Paul said.

And it's probably not for most.

I'm reaching out to you today because I do think that it is for you.

Have a beautiful Saturday, Friend.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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