Subject: 🔵 This is gonna be Epic Friend

I'm tired of other platforms and engines and people deciding for me (and you) what content you get to see.

So, I am taking control.

I am taking the power back.

Anyone else hear the Rage Against The Machine song, "Take The Power Back" playing in their head right now?

One of my favs.

Anyway... I'm finally doing it.

Because at best, only 30% of my emails get seen.

At best only about 5% of the people on your social platforms actually see your content.

Seriously, I was listening to a couple of massively successful social media moguls this week.

People with such "influence" that Nike is bringing them on to do campaigns...

And they have tracked that only 3 to 4% of their audience is shown any given post.

That's insane!

Why is it that people who have raised their hand to see your stuff get filtered out by the random "algorithm."

If somebody connects with you on a platform, shouldn't ALL of your content reach them...

Until THEY decide they don't want it?

Why is an algorithm even needed for that?

Sure, you can use some of the new short form stuff to get seen by more.

But do random views from an audience that just wants to turn their mind off for a few minutes even matter much?

So anyway, I am finally building my own universe.

I'm building it in a place that if you decide you want to see and hear and read my stuff, you get it.

All of it.

1OO% of the time.

I can't get filtered.

Or shut down.

Or told what to say, do, and think.

And the light of my messages that I believe are God breathed, get delivered to you 1OO% of the time.

Letting YOU decide if it's something you want to consume or not.

Here's my personal thoughts...

Use the platforms as leverage to help you get in front of the right people.

But, get people OFF of those platforms into a universe that you FULLY control as quickly as possible.

Because at best, most of the people you worked hard to reach won't see your stuff.

And at worst (which happens a lot), you'll lose the entire platform that you built with your time, resources, and effort.

So, I am so excited to finally be building my universe.

Our universe.

Where we can interact, and grown, and learn, and build something special together.

No noise.

No "bait" designed to turn your mind off.

Just what you want.

When you want it.

Every time.

If you want to future proof your business, and reach 1OO% of the people you've worked hard to get in front of...

In the place where you'll never be more than 3 feet away from them at any given time...

You'll probably want to keep paying attention to everything that you see from me for the next few weeks.

My universe has been born.

And I am so incredibly excited about it!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

P.S. If you want to be first to hear about this new, epic universe...

Be sure to connect with me here as soon as you can.

Everyone there hears about it first.

And if the filters and algorithms, and freedom squashers have their way...

This place may be the only access point you have to my new universe.

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