Subject:Ā šŸ”µ This is flipping awesome

Pretty crafty how I used that subject line to show you a video of my son flipping, right Friend? šŸ˜‚

I promise it's not just a shameless "show off my kids" email though.

Not fully anyway.

There is a pretty "Flipping Awesome" lesson here too.

Kids teach you the greatest lessons if youā€™re paying attention to them.

My son spent years as a high level trampoline and tumbling athlete.

Working hard enough to place nationally the final year he competed.

For the last 2 years, heā€™s really developed a love for snowboarding.

Whatā€™s cool is that because he spent so much time learning the actual PRINCIPLES behind how to flip, twist, and contort his bodyā€¦

Heā€™s easily been able to take these principles and quickly gain a high level of skill in snowboarding.

And he could just as easily wakeboard in the summer, be a high diver, or any other crazy thing he chooses that involves those skills.

The lesson heā€™s been teaching meā€¦

Donā€™t shortcut mastering the PRINCIPLES takes to build successful business.

Because just like when you know how to flip like my son, you can do any crazy activity at a high level you want to that involves flipping

When you master the principles of building a business, you can take them and turn them into real lncome generating SKILLS anywhere.

If you want to be an affiIiate marketer, you can.

If you want to sell your own products, you can.

If you want to be a consultant or coach, you can.

If you want to help local businesses with their digital marketing, you can.

The possibilities are endless.

When you master the PRINCIPLES behind the SKILLS that make things work.

If you've ever wanted to take the shortcut, I with you on that one.

There have been times where I just wanted

things to be easy.

Iā€™d buy the clicks instead of learning how to get real traffic.

Iā€™d swipe the copy instead of learning how to craft messages that spoke to my targeted audience.

Iā€™d mimic posts on social media, not knowing why they actually worked (or didnā€™t)

So, I fully get the urge you might have to take the ā€œeasyā€ way out.

But, at the end of the day, that just makes life harder.

Because when marketing moves in a new direction, or when sales arenā€™t coming in, or when algorithms changeā€¦

You have no idea what to do.

When you know the principles behind WHY things work and you develop real SKILLS, youā€™ll always know the next step.

Youā€™ll always be able to create whatever you want in whatever way you want.

Iā€™m so glad my son had a coach that spent so much time on the ā€œlittleā€ fine details.

Iā€™m so glad he made my son understand why moving his shoulder this way did that...

Or where to keep his eyes to spot his landingsā€¦

And all sorts of stuff that he uses daily now on the slopes.

I can actually see him doing certain rotations and spotting his landings in the video.

Most importantly, it keeps him safe.

Just like knowing the principles of why things work will keep your business safe.

But it also means he can take the principles he knows into anything that he wants, and turn them into the real skills he needs to succeed.

And it works the same for you and me, Friend.

when we develop real skills, that follow real principles we open up endless possibilities to create a life we love...

Doing what we love.

And serving the people, communities, and causes that God placed us here to serve.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

P.S. To drive home the lesson, I'll leave you with a principle that a man who had an estimated 2.1 TRlLLlON in net worth gave us.

"If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success."

Ecclesiastes 10:10

Solomon, the weaIthiest man to ever live wrote that thousands of years ago...

And it still holds true today.


Because it's a PRINCIPLE of creating weaIth and success.

It never changes.

P.P.S.  If you want to be a part of a community that teaches you how to generate LONG TERM principle based weaIth online...

So you can build a business that allows you to generate weaIth for life...

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