Subject: 🔵 This goes live TODAY Friend. Super exciting

Plus, I have a special announcement to make that will help you create generational weaIth much easier.

Hey Friend...

Collagen Launches into the LiveGood Back Office TODAY!

Watch this video for full details:

But BEFORE you do that...

Here is some equally good news for you to pay attention to if you want to create real, long term, generational weaIth with LiveGood.

I've come back from vacation with a renewed energy and a BETTER vision for how to help you create generational weaIth for you.

Your family.

And any people, communities, and causes you want to serve both now and even well after your gone with LiveGood.

Here's what I posted in the Telegram chat today:

Just a quick update on some things to come starting tomorrow, August 1st.

Team site will have a bit of an upgrade and shuffling on some stuff.

The focus is #1 getting everyone the mindset and skillset of a professional Network Marketer.

Then, once you have the right foundations, showing you how to use leverage, tools, and automations to build and scale a real business.

You have the vehicle to create real, long term, GENERATIONAL weaIth here with LiveGood.

If you choose to upgrade your skillset, and become a professional at this...

You can benefit both now and into generations.

But, only if you decide to first learn the skills, then increase the effectiveness of those skills with tools.

There is often a lot of focus in this industry on using tools without even knowing how marketing works.

Trying to use tools and automations without knowing how to market is kinda like handing a baby a hammer.

Ineffective and super dangerous.

LiveGood is a Network Marketing business.

Yes, we're affiIiates, but Network Marketing is a unique type of affiIiate marketing, requiring a unique skillset.

So, in order to unlock the benefits of generational weaIth, it's really important to make the commitment to become a professional Network Marketer.

The skills required to be a professional are simple, but maybe not always easy.

But, if long term, generational weaIth that you can walk away from at any moment to live life however you choose, and still see your weaIth grow and expand is your desired outcome...

The skillset is 100% required.

There aren't many professions, if any, that allow you to put in massive effort for 12 to 18 months and see weaIth remain and grow for decades.

It's worth it to focus on skills and stop looking for the shortcut on the trip before you even know how to drive the car.

Anyway... exciting stuff coming that will benefit you for life if you decide a professional is what you want to be.

Appreciate you all.

Love you all.

I'm committed to helping you build weaIth not just for life, but for the life that continues well after you.

The Bible says that we are supposed to create weaIth not just for ourselves, but for our children and our children's children.

That begins here and now

Let's Grow Freedom Builders!

Nick and The Job Free Revolution Team!

"Go Bronze, Then Bless!"

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