Subject: 🔵 This changes everything

Everything that you know about creating weaIth from home has been flipped upside down.

It's this story that changed everything for me and made me go ALL In on LiveGood.

This is a REALLY good read and incredible story.

"Thanks everyone for watching my journey the past few months.

Here is an update on what's really going on.

Many of you know last year in October (2022) I found myself homeless and my entire life turned upside down.

I moved in with my sister early November and was able to get a Free Government Phone .

That is all I needed and the right opportunity!

Something real and legit as there were no options.

I was committed and focused (on LiveGood).

In a few short weeks I earned enough to move into an extended stay hotel.

A few clothes, my wheel chair, my cell phone, and a mission to build big one more time.

Having worked with Ben Glinsky before, understanding his vision to fix a broken industry, and me being uncomfortable I was all in!

Well, today (September 20, 2023) is my last day here as I begin my new journey.

I fly out to Atlanta tomorrow, Palm Springs Thursday, then back to Atlanta to build my new life.

Here is the thing...

I have earned enough in 9 months to buy a home cash, furnish it all cash, and even get any vehicle I want all cash.

On top of that I have a real residual income that pays me weekly and monthly hitting 1OOk a month.

This is NOT to impress anyone but to impress upon you all that this business can absolutely change your life.

I didn't bring in a team, never bought any tools or leads, and simply shared a free link already done for me."

I'm launching a super funnel on Friday, but you can see part of it here first.

It will be the biggest thing I have ever built, and I have done some pretty cool and big stuff over the last 20 years.

This is going to change lives (just like yours) for generations.

I fully believe that.And everything I have is going into it.

If you want my efforts going to work for you daily, all it takes is this crazy little 33 cents per day life changer.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

P.S. Here's come of the crazy that's happening on just 33 cents a day.

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