Subject: 🔵 These Emails Create Signups (no joke)

Hey Friend...

We're Expecting About 7,000 People to Pile into LiveGood Today!

How many of those are from you, and this amazing team is up to us.

We have a 4 email deadline series that has proven to help get our pre-enrollees off the fence and into LiveGood.

Here are the steps to copy, paste, and send the emails that will turn those pre-enrollees into members TODAY!

Log into your JFR Team Site and click the "Links & Swipe" tab

Here are some images to guide you...

Also, do your best to be on the Cut Off Zoom tonight at 8pm EST.

Because, you'll get an inside peak into how quickly we're growing this week...

And see the excitement that Ben, Nauder, Lisa, and Ryan always cause that leads to so many member upgrades today.

You can find the link to it in your LiveGood back office under the "Webinar Schedule" tab.

And also in your Team JFR back office under the "Training" tab.

Let's Grow Freedom Builders!

Nick and The Job Free Revolution Team!

"Go Bronze, Then Bless!"

P.S. Remember, make sure that you have invited your ENTIRE team to the new team site.

You can find your own personal link to invite on the profile page of the new site.

1.  JFR Team Site Log in:

Then just click on the profile page and use the link on that page to invite all of your PAlD LiveGood member team.

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